temperature for tropical

It really depends on the fish you keep. Some fish prefer colder or warmer waters compared to others. Let us know what kind of fish you're keeping...

Also as stated in the pinned topic: 10 basics
tekknocolor said:
It really depends on the fish you keep. Some fish prefer colder or warmer waters compared to others. Let us know what kind of fish you're keeping...

Also as stated in the pinned topic: 10 basics
I have 5 zebra danios, 3 neons... and 2 chinese algae eaters (thats what they say in my index fish book and they look like them) :dunno:
75F-80F. I like my temperture at 80F because ich cant live as easy and I have clown loaches.
Hi...I keep my tank at 75. My theory is that lower temp...lower metabolism....less fish waste...lower nitrates...better water quality. In the example listed above, ich, raising the temp by 5-10 degrees speeds up the organisms life cycle from weeks to days. Same in humans, higher temp, higher metabolic rate. SH
I wanted to know the right temp as well, i think i will have it as 75f but what is the lowest it can go without harming the fish? about 70f?
yeah i would like to know that too, whats the lowest temp you can have and highest please?

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