Temp for goldfish


Fish Herder
Apr 18, 2005
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I am really interested in buying a pair of comets for my currently empty 30 gallon tank. I really like the little guys. But, I wanted to know, what is too hot of a water temp for them? Can they be kept and THRIVE in water as warm as 76 degrees? As that is as hot as my house ever gets, although usually it is around 73.

If this is too hot, how do some people keep goldfish in tanks? How do you keep the water cooler than the room?

thanks in advance.
as long as the temprature change is gradual the fish will be fine at 73 ,just make sure the tank has plenty airiation and the pump is turning the water over at a high rate

comets arnt really suited to a tank as they do reach a good size if allowed and youd only be able to keep 2 fish in a 30gallon
I was thinking that only one comet could live in 30 gallons, awesome, another fish for me! If my lfs has them, could I possibly keep one comet and one shubunkin in the 30, or do shubinkins get bigger than comets?

The tank has a HOB filter with a bio wheel. I 'killed' the current with one of those bottle things because I heard goldfish do not like strong current, or is this only true for fancy goldies?

Someday I hope to put live plants in the tank. But for now fake will have to do. The tank isn't cycled, I am going to try to get to the store near me that carries bio spira, if not then I will order it and not buy fish until it comes.
It doesnt matter which way you go with the fish, but two is the maximum and you will need really good filtration. You will eventually need a bigger tank when they both get to around 5 inches.
Single bodies fish do ok with the faster current and it is the slower fancy goldies that dont like it too much.
For live plants, broad leaved types are better but most of those are for tropical tanks.
Hmm. I am not sure how fast goldies grow. I also do not know if I could buy it another tank, or rehome it. Could one live in a 30 gallon as a permanent home? Can any goldfish? Sorry I am so dumb when it comes to goldies.
OrkyBetta said:
Hmm. I am not sure how fast goldies grow. I also do not know if I could buy it another tank, or rehome it. Could one live in a 30 gallon as a permanent home? Can any goldfish? Sorry I am so dumb when it comes to goldies.

Don't worry, it's really cool that you're asking and not simply buying a bowl :D

If you're planning on having a single goldfish, with single fins, then a 30 gallon tank would be cool I think.
I dont see any problems with one for its life time, but fish are social animals and i think if you over filter then you could get away with two.
I know theyre social so I'm tempted to get two. I just want any pets I take on to be healthy, and I don't have a plan for when they get big is all. Maybe I'll get two, but all I have is one filter. Maybe lots o' water changes?
Ok. I had no idea they got THAT big, but at least it takes a while for them to get that big. I can definitely arrange to get them a responsible home in the ammount of years it would take to grow 22 inches of fish. :lol: Maybe I can convince my parents to build a pond.

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