
Miss Dib Dabs

Jun 19, 2005
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Behind the shadows
One of my cats, some may remember a piccy I put up of her a while back, has injured her left front paw. :( Not entirely sure how but have been checking her the last few days and finally this evening it seems the blister has burst. She's keeping off her feet a fair bit and not allowed out at all. Not that she does much in the colder weather as she gets cold very easily.
So far it's looking clean and clear but it does worry me she could so easily get infection. Being a pedigree seems to make her prone to the slightest thing. To make it worse I can't get her to the pdsa right now since my car is being repaired (Brakes gawn) and even the local vet is too far for me to carry her. :-(
Happily she is eating well still and cleaning herself.
You think another 2 days will harm? :/ I should have the car back by then. I have used taxis in the past but it costs a huge amount and with the huge amount for the car it really is out of the question. I feel guilty. :sad:
Is there anyone that could give you a ride to the vet? If not, I'd suggest calling your vet, describe the issue over the phone and see what they'd recommend.
Actually that is a good idea. :) Which just goes to show how brain dead I am at the mo (Life is a killer right now with ill kids and a pig sty for a house, urgh :crazy: ). I shall do that tomorrow. :thumbs:
Do you have any oitment???If so you can put it in the blister until you can get it to the vet. Trust me I have 30 cats total and I see all kinds of things cuts scrapes and so on I always keep some stuff on hand. The vet sends medicine home with me and all I have to do is call him and he tells me what to give them and how much. Try not to worry so much it should be fine.. :D
30 is alot of cats! :lol: I've seen injuries in cats before, although not her. The last time she was ill was because she swallowed washing detergent. My Mothers fault. But she was ok and pulled through. Although she still requires a diet of higher quality foods because of that and that happened some 4 years ago.
I think I'd feel happier if I knew how she'd done it. And why is it these things always happen when the cars out of action or when I'm ill eh! :rolleyes:
Bless her, she's sitting behind me right now. I have no animal ointments in the house currently. It's so rare either of them hurt themselves. Only thing I can think of is maybe she jumped from the biggest tank and landed on a childs toy. Not entirely sure that's it tho. At least it looks clear of anything foreign and the pus is not infected. Past experience with horses has taught me a great deal with some things. At least she doesn't try to kick/bite me when I take a look. :lol:
P.S:Thanks to both of you for your words. Means alot. :)
Ahhh the paw seems better but she is unwell. She had to go to the vets this morning and her temp was 105!! :-( She's been given two injections to bring it down and to prevent secondary infections and has to go back tomorrow. :sad:

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