Miss Dib Dabs
One of my cats, some may remember a piccy I put up of her a while back, has injured her left front paw. Not entirely sure how but have been checking her the last few days and finally this evening it seems the blister has burst. She's keeping off her feet a fair bit and not allowed out at all. Not that she does much in the colder weather as she gets cold very easily.
So far it's looking clean and clear but it does worry me she could so easily get infection. Being a pedigree seems to make her prone to the slightest thing. To make it worse I can't get her to the pdsa right now since my car is being repaired (Brakes gawn) and even the local vet is too far for me to carry her.
Happily she is eating well still and cleaning herself.
You think another 2 days will harm? I should have the car back by then. I have used taxis in the past but it costs a huge amount and with the huge amount for the car it really is out of the question. I feel guilty.
So far it's looking clean and clear but it does worry me she could so easily get infection. Being a pedigree seems to make her prone to the slightest thing. To make it worse I can't get her to the pdsa right now since my car is being repaired (Brakes gawn) and even the local vet is too far for me to carry her.
Happily she is eating well still and cleaning herself.
You think another 2 days will harm? I should have the car back by then. I have used taxis in the past but it costs a huge amount and with the huge amount for the car it really is out of the question. I feel guilty.