teeth on spiny eels?

Mr Miagi

Veins are flowing with SW, now going back to FW!
Mar 5, 2004
Reaction score
Adelaide, Australia!
Ok, quick question...

One of my harloiquins has a "chunk" of his rear body missing, so i think ill have to use euthanasia tommorrow. Now do you guys think my 2 1/2" Peacock eel physically remove flesh from my poor harliquin, or are they more "gulp" feeders who inhale their prey?
Spiney eels dont have the dentition to remove chunks of flesh and are more as you say gulp in one feeders. What else is in the tank?
Cheers CFC.

Not much really, 3 Opaline gouramis, 3 SAE's, 1 Unknown algae eater (harmless), 7 Glass cats and the other 12 harliquins, in a 3ft 30gallon. :dunno: Maybe its bacterial?!
is it a clean wound or is it white and fluffy, might you of missed the early stages of a fungal infection??
Dragonscales said:
At a guess I'd say the siamese algae eaters are good candidates, depending on their age. While fairly harmless when young, they tend to get pretty agressive as they age.
I thought that was Chinese Algae eatres AKA Sucking loach? I'm pretty sure SAE's are harmless.
Paul_MTS said:
is it a clean wound or is it white and fluffy, might you of missed the early stages of a fungal infection??
It is slightly white and fluffy like you said Paul, i think it might be bacterial. I havnt looked at him today yet, so will do in a while.

I dont think its the SAe's cause ive never had trouble with them at all.

Ill treat with a bacterial, but fish dont grow flesh back, so ill think he will have to go, hes having some trouble swiming accurately to food. :(
Somewhat interchangable, but for those who know what they are on about, you can tell them apart easily, so names realy dont matter! :nod:

Anyway, i caught him in my net, and his tail was shocking, a bit almost fell off when it got caught on the net, so im treating now and i put him down. :( He is in a better place now! :-(

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