Teacup Stingrays!

I would seriously kill for one of those... :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr:

How big is it? (Quite a small tank :D )
And how much did it cost?
There is no such fish as a tea cup stingray, this is just a generic name used by importers and lfs for small unidentified and often low quallity stingrays, usually P.motoro or P.hysteryx.
Teacups are not a species of ray and the name is used to describe rays as CFC said and also as a common name for a particular size, of small ray (these could be Retics, Humerosas, or Histrix...). Why this is called 'Teacup' I have no idea as the rays are normally 8"+ not 3"!

EDIT: Is he in a 30 gallon tank!?
Yes, he is. He's really small right now so, he's okay. And I don't know what species he is right now because he's reffered to as a "teacup". And 8'' is his MAX size.(not that big) so, he's okay in the 30. Whatever. :shifty:
I must stongly disagree, the smallest species I know reaches 12" in diameter of 30 cm. These are Potamotrygon histrix and Potamotrygon reticulata, are these your rays? A 30 gallon is no were near big enough for a ray, I would recommend at least 75-90 gallons with a big foot print.
I'm really not sure what kinds of rays you're talking about, but the ray I bought from the store has an adult size of 8 inches. But, if it gets too big, like you seem to think, I'll buy a larger tank. :no:
Here are several species, can you ID your ray from any of these photos, if not do you have a pic?
Potamotrygon motoro

Potamotrygon leopoldi

Potamotrygon histrix

Potamotrygon sp.

Potamotrygon menchacai

Potamotrygon brachyura

Potamotrygon henlei

Paratrygon aiereba

Potamotrygon reticulata

Potamotrygon castexi

Plesiotrygon iwamae
It looks somewhat like the Potamotrygon sp.
My ray does not have the large light brown spots though... :/
Well Potamotrygon sp. sometimes called a Chocolater Ray has a disc up to 18" wide so you would need an even bigger tank than I first suggested. Is it possible for you to get a photo? :)
How about Potamotrygon laticeps?

A pic would help. :)

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