Tca Show


Fish Fanatic
Jun 13, 2005
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If anyone is in the area it should be a great show.


Spring 2006 Workshop

March 24 - 26, 2006
Clarion Hotel DFW Airport South
4440 West Airport Freeway, Irving, Texas 75062
(972) 399-1010

Speakers Include:
Lee Newman New World Cichlids
Bob Allen African Cichlids
Barbie Fiorentino Plecos
John Nicholson Discus
Schedule of Events:
Friday, March 24th
9:00 am Show Set Up
5:00 pm Show tanks ready for fish
5:00 pm Registration
8:00 pm Bob Allen
“Brine Shrimp”
Saturday, March 25th
9:00 am Registration
9:30 am John Nicholson
11:00 am Lee Newman
12:30 pm Lunch on your own
1:30 pm Bob Allen
3:00 pm Barbie Fiorentino
7:00 pm Banquet
Show Awards, Speaker Lee Newman
Sunday, March 26th
10:00 am Registration begins
11:00 am Auction begins

Admission for the seminars, & auction is $5.00 per person per day. Everyone is welcome and you do not have to be a TCA member to attend. Seller split at the auction is 75% to the seller for items selling for less than $30.00 and 80% for items selling for over $30.00. Show entries are $3.00 each and must be pre-registered by 3/20/06. Contact Show Chairmen Marvin England (903)794-3474 or Page Ullman (817)831-7876. 20 Gallon rental tanks will be available for $10.00 each. Call Page Ullman to reserve rental tanks (please leave a message).

For further information contact: Kathy Stearns (817) 337-0117
A shame they couldnt hold it in a more centralized Texas location. If I where to go that would a 7-8 hour drive..

I understand what you mean. The TCA is the largest fish club in Texas right now and about 95% of our members ar in the DFW area. There will be a FOTAS show in October in Houston. I do not know the exact date. I am the VP of FOTAS so if you talk to anyone else don't let them know that I forgot the date....It would look bad....LOL.

If you get a chance the show/speakers/auction is probably worth the drive.


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