Tatia Perugiae


New Member
Jun 16, 2008
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milton, fl
i just bought one today
cost me $13US

hes a pretty little fish

anyone have experience with these guys?
i just bought one today
cost me $13US

hes a pretty little fish

anyone have experience with these guys?

They should really be kept in groups, they're quite social creatures even if they seem to hide a lot during the day.

Their swimming action is amazing, flick the light on at night to see them swimming erratically at the surface.
well i think i could fit one more in there
the next time i've got the money ill hunt one down.

Right now he's hiding somewhere in the big piece of driftwood

guess ill have to entice him out later with some food
I've kept these fish for the past few years and they are great! At one time, I had 5, but now I have a breeding trio (1 F, 2 M). They are highly nocturnal and will only come out for food or during lights out. They are very social and when you have more than one, you can hear them "grunting" to each other during the night.

They are really best in a tank all their own, in my opinion. Since they only eat at night and only at the surface, feeding can be hard in a community setting. Mine thrived in their own 10 gallon, but due to down grading, they are in a community setting and I have been struggling keeping them fat and happy.

Mine will only eat frozen food, bloodworm being a favorite. I think I saw one take pellets before, but I'm not sure.

Good luck with these awesome fish! They are definitely one of my favorites. :D
I have a group of 5 (2M/3F) and although they don'd do much in the day time (mine hang out in the plants), once lights are out and food goes in, then they are extremely active. These fish are surface feeders, so you need floating food - frozen cubes of bloodworm are definitely the favourites, but have seen them take broken up pieces of tablets from the ground after taking their fill of bloodworm.
I've only seen these for sale once, and when I did I bought 5 - have never seen them since! if you can get more, try and keep in a simlar group, i.e. 2F/1M.
By the way, they are now known as Centromochlus perugiae.
After reading the article in PFK on them, i want a trio too! But, i have a trio of dwarf puffers in a low pH planted tank...will they be ok together do you think?
After reading the article in PFK on them, i want a trio too! But, i have a trio of dwarf puffers in a low pH planted tank...will they be ok together do you think?
Personally, I wouldn't mix the two.

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