I have 4 neons 2 female guppys and 1 male gup and this morning i woke up and saw that one of my females hase a big bite tooken out of here taill fin. WHO DID THIS?! WHAT SHOULD I DO?!!!?!!!?!?!?!?!HELP?!?!?!?!?
Is your fish still able to swim? Is she eating, etc? If she is doing alright, I would say just let her be - I had a long finned Danio with half of his tail gone, and since he was doing ok, I left him, and now it's growing back! This might happen with your guppy too. Add some stress coat to the water if you haven't already - it will help her regenerate her slime coating. However, if she's not able to swim and shows other signs of stress, you may want to put her out of her misery.
Feed him to a larger fish!!!!!!! Nipping is a federal offense and punishable by death!!!!! Sorry just messin. It is probably the male guppy. If she is acting normal, i'd let her be.
LOL!! I like that. Give 'em a lesson from Wally. My poor platty got his tail part eaten from my betta, Sneak. My platy's tail is already growing back though. That Sneaky little brat fish. I guess my betta should have been taught a lesson from my crayfish in the basement. LOL! I would never do that do my betta.