TassieMay from Tassie


New Member
Feb 13, 2022
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Hi peoples. Ive been keeping fish for about 40 years, tropical and coldwater. I have had a guppy with another guppy coming out of its chest, it was born like this and two tails at the back one smaller than the other. The guppy lived about one year. Now i have a tetra that has a blister bubble looking thing under its front fin. inside the bubble is what looks like a cord and out of the bubble is a head with two eyes which looks lilke a small fry. You need a magnifying glass to see the head and eyes. Im thinking some kind a parasite, although it resembles a baby fish??? Does anyone have any ideas. I have pic which im trying to attach.............. Up date....... it now has a blood line streaming from the cord to the what ever it is.... my guess is parasite its pushing its way out slowly. Treatment is a now.


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Welcome to TFF!

This forum just got a magnitude weirder - Siamese twin guppies, Xenomorph Tetras, Oh my!!
Welcome to TFF! Very interesting experiences you habe had I see with your fish...
do u have a pic of that siamese guppy?
do u have a pic of that siamese guppy?
no i dont im afraid she was quite a few years back. I sent pic off to a science lab to see what they had to say about it because she had another head out of her chest and it was alive, two tails at the back only one set of fins thought. I thought it look odd when it was born but as it grew i found out why. Lab never got back to me.
Welcome to TFF! Very interesting experiences you habe had I see with your fish...
very interesting indeed ....... Even my sisters guppy male "so i thought" had babies, yep body and fins of a male guppy and yep had fry. I have 5 of the babies and waiting to see what they are going to look like. Im not joking it resembles a small male guppy I even asked the pet shop where they have male and female guppies told them they had one male in tank with heap of females, poor people are going to get pregnated female guppies without knowing it. They said maybe she damaged her back and thats why the back fin is lower than a normal female. "They need to see this guppy to know what i am talking about. its a male body without the male bits. A female gone wrong like my guppy in the past, thats what i think, who knows.
Hi & welcome to TFF... :hi:
You're dealing with siamese twins. This does occur more often than you may think... In general, one will grow up and the other one remains very small. But the one that grew up won't be bothered by its twin.

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