

Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
Ljubljana - Slovenia
I have one it is a Brachypelma Boehmei othervise known as rust leg (or somethin like that) I will opload pictures as soon as I find out how (any suggestions??)
Yeah, too bad I hate speiders.
Looks like it'd be fun to squish :p
Lol just playin i hate spiders, my friend had one and he would have it out sometimes, thats when id leave :lol:
They are really nice and stuff... ...once you have one. And docille species are really impressive (you can tuch them (as long as you do it properly (they even walk on your hands pecfuly as long as they dont move (they can die from falls)))) :) :)
This is my female chilean rosehair, Rosalinda. I have had her for five years, but she was allready rather large when I got her, so I suspect she is older than that. She just molted two weeks ago, and is looking slightly skinny as a result, but she is a very fiesty agressive girl. She was actually a rescue; someone brought her and four others to the zoo I was volunteering at. Apparently, a pet store had been keeping them in plastic cups, and they were all emaciated, parasite-ridden, and one had injured itself trying to molt in the confined quarters. Two died, the zoo kept one, a friend adopted one, and I got Rosie! She was never socialized, and came to me extremely agressive. She's given me a few nasty bites, even, brutal girl that she is. But, if you'd been starved that long, you'd probably see a hand and think "food!" too. :lol:

She is nice...
Though when not hungry (IF it is a CB) she shouldnt be agresive but if she was in wery bad condition like you said then she might never recover enogh to be docile... :kewlpics: :kewlpics:
Hi, I have a Brachypelma Smithi or Mexican Red Knee (Like my avatar, though that isn't actually her), she's still a "teenager" and a gorgeous creature, very gentle except if you're a cricket. CFC is scared of her :rofl: so that's a bonus too.
prankster705 said:
She is nice...
Though when not hungry (IF it is a CB) she shouldnt be agresive but if she was in wery bad condition like you said then she might never recover enogh to be docile... :kewlpics: :kewlpics:

She is indeed a chilean rosehair (her head color for some reason got eaten by the flash, but I assure you it is a very brilliant pink), and you are absolutely right; they should be a docile animal. Most others I've met have been. However, I think a lack of handling earlier in her life, and her neglect, have probably ruined her for hand-taming; I tried for a long while, but she simply isn't comfortable with it.

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