Tarantula Piccys!


I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
Apr 27, 2004
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Wisconsin: The Land of Cheese and Cows
Yay! I can finally post pics of my newest pet, Edgar the Chilean Rose Tarantula! She's so cute!!!! :wub: :wub:

First off, here's her whole tank. Believe me when I say that it's a ton bigger than her previous tank.

And here are some individual pics of her. They came out kinda dark, but thats because the lighting in our apartment sucks, and the camera's flash came out too bright and scared her, so this is what you get. :p






She's such a cutie!!!! :wub: :wub: What do you guys think? :wub:
Oooh, do you hold her? I am not afriad of spiders but I think I'd find it a bit creepy to start with.

Edgar is her name? I always thought Edgar was a boys' name!!

Does she get to run about a bit? Do they make webs? What is the air speed velocity of a mongolian goose travelling to Africa in August? lol, sorry got carried away.
ya lucky duck! I've always wanted a bird eating spider but the missus won't let me have one till we get a shed lmao same with snakes :-(

She's about as scared of snakes and spiders as I am of sharks...I'd still let her keep a shark in the house though :/ :blink:

*sniff* life is sooo unfair :byebye:
Well, so far, I haven't held her...I'm still very afraid of spiders. :/ But I have petted her, and she's very soft. :wub:

Yes, Edgar is a boy's name. :lol: Before we knew how to sex a Tarantula, we though she was a he...so we named her Edgar. And now the name has stuck. :lol: But I have been compensating a bit, by calling her Edgarmina or Edwina at times. ;) :p

Yes, she does get to run around. We will place her on the floor and let her go where she wants (with our close supervision of course ;) ).

She does make webs, which is something I had no idea that Tarantulas did. She covers her peices of wood with it, and closes the openings to her little hidey hole with it. Really neat. :wub:

Hmmm, no clue about the mongolian goose question. I'll have to get back to you on that one. ;) :rolleyes:

Dragonscales - The bird eating ones get huge...I'm not too keen on huge spiders. :/ But we are in the process of getting some more smaller Tarantulas, including the Mexican Redknee, the Brazilian Black, and some species of Pink-toe. We've just fell in love with these little fuzzy guys. :wub: I like snakes as well, and if we were allowed to have pets in the apartment :whistle:, an Albino Reticulated Python would be mine. :nod: :wub:
Nice one Arashi :hyper:

She's beautiful and in very good health by the looks of her. Nice tank too. The only thing I'd do is mist the peat with some lukewarm water to dampen it up.
They like a bit of humidity ;)

I'll pm you a pic of my Goliath Bird eater when I eventually get one.

Nice one ;)
Reticulated pythons can average at 18 feet for a female and about 16 feet for a male, and they can, and DO, get larger. They're notoriously bad-tempered, I've watched one out-power 6 full grown men who have been keeping snakes for two decades, they're voracious eaters and once they reach their large size they have to eat rabbits. They're not known for letting go if they bite you, they're fabulous escape artists, have no fear of trying to shatter the walls of their enclosures, and have very specific needs with heat and humidity.

Big snakes make BAD pets - nevermind that nobody has the room to properly house something that large for the 20 years or more it can live to. I worked closely with a reptile rescue and a girlfriend of mine runs one. I hate that these snakes are so readily available, it's cruel that they're kept in captivity, and I hate that people want them, with weird ideas that they could pull off keeping one happy. And I just had to share

/end hijack

On another note, another great docile and calm spider is the curlyhair. Gorgeous little eepers. I had one myself at one point.

I, however, am DIEING for a Cobalt Blue, but that would take more a specialized home I'd probably have to build - they're very aggressive and don't dry bite like a lot of tarantulas. They venomize! And although I know I'm not allergic to their venom, I'd rather *not* have giant spider bites all over my hands. lol.
Cobalt Blue, now they are nice. Rigth up there with the Salmon Pinks ;)
OoOo I'd love a mexican redknee, they are one of my favourite tarantulas, sadly, I don't think any imported tarantulas are allowed to be kept in Oz, thus I have to compromise with a native bird eating spider (still very nice though!)

I agree with apopli in regards to big pythons as pets though, it's sad the amount that get dumped or escape due to people not realising the enormity to which these snakes can grow. Not to mention the fact that there are known cases where the snake has actually killed the same person whom reared it since it was a fingerling.

I also think that highly venomous snakes such as our native taipan or the black mamba shouldn't be allowed to be kept by anybody except wildlife parks or zoos, the risk to the owner as well as the comunity is just too great a risk I feel.

I love snakes and spiders but feel that the truly deadly should be left where it belongs, in the wild. The greatest of respect should be held for even the most docile of snakes and spiders as the risk is still there to turn on the hand which feeds it.

I am all for the ***responsible*** keeping of smaller varieties of pythons and non-lethal snakes and spiders though. Personally I wouldn't keep anything which I know will become too large or dangerous for me to handle safely.
I can't believe I missed this thread! :hyper:

Edgar is the cutest spider I've ever seen. :wub: :wub:

Thanks for sharing the pics :thumbs:
Thanks everyone for the nice comments. I love my little Edgar. :wub: :wub:

Link - I do mist the tank, a few times every week. :nod: I just happened to catch the pictures when it was a bit drier thats all. :nod: ;)

Apopli - As for the Python...I never said I was going to get one, only that I would love to have one (sorry, I realized I worded it a bit oddly)...it'll never happen though. :nod: I love them, but I could never keep a snake that big, let alone keep it happy. I can't believe that you can actually buy Anacondas on the internet...now thats going a bit too far. :( A friend of mine does have an Albino Cornsnake and she is just the sweetest little thing, so I would definitely get one of those instead. :nod: :thumbs: :wub:
Arashi said:
But we are in the process of getting some more smaller Tarantulas, including the Mexican Redknee, the Brazilian Black, and some species of Pink-toe. We've just fell in love with these little fuzzy guys. :wub:
So Arashi, you could say you've been bitten by the spider bug :)

Pun intended :thumbs:

Good for you, I'm glad you are getting closer and closer to conquring you fear :clap:

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