
pandora's lily

Fish Fanatic
Mar 15, 2004
Reaction score
in a chair...
hey i've been looking for a couple tanks, 3-10 gallon size, however everywhere i've looked they're always so much! anywhere from $40 and up for something that's really not all that big...does anyone have any experience in where to get some tanks, either new or maybe used but good condition for less...cuz this could turn into one expensive project:)
Ask around friends and friends of friends. A lot of people buy a tank set up and get bored (they lack our dedication/madness I think), and almost everyone knows somebody. My 80L came from a friend of my dad's, who went all out to get a great set-up, then four years later, he has a dusty tank with one timid, yet huge discus hiding at the back.

Popped to the lfs, got £8 for the fishy who looked happy in a brighter, cleaner tank and made off into the sunset with a 3ft tank in the boot, bargain! Bit of elbow grease, made a new stand, stocked up on new pumps, etc (which you can afford much easier when you don't have the tank to shell out for) and it was as good as new.

Spread the word, good luck! :D
I went into a couple of thrift stores over the weekend and found 4 fish tanks for sale!!! The prices weren't great (for a thrift store) but it's definately discounted.

Might be worth a try ;)
Hi pandora's lily :)

You have a problem that's shared by many of us. :nod:

Here's a link to another thread where this was discussed. Perhaps, if you look through it, you might find some good ideas.


Most of my equipment has been used by others before I got it and I've always felt that I've made good deals. I'd rather have more tanks than new tanks! :hyper:
if ur in canada.. petcetera has monthly deals on tank setups pretty cheap

$40 for a 10 gallon with everything.. the heater alone is worth $20
unfortunately i don't live in canada, that sounds like an awesome deal, but the name sounds familiar, i'll have to look around for that store. hopefully i'll be able to catch a couple deals for tanks, maybe the deluxe sets with everything, again just a case of being in the right place at the right time :)

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