Tanks On E-Bay



I was just looking on e-bay for tanks with dividers already done for my problem betta! :D lol. I found this:


Surely those tanks are too small?!?!?! The picture with the 'two adult bettas' in looks like it holds about as much water as you get in the bag from the shop when you buy them!!!!!

Correct me if im wrong, but i think these would be a bad thing to buy for my little betta... he may be mean but he's still cute!!!! :) lol

By the way... whats the minimum amount of water for a betta? 1 gallon?
I shall keep searching!!!! :D

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hi there :D i cehcked out that link you posted, that is a terrible thing to put a betta in! i have seen them in petstores and wonder how you can even fit a fish in there :no:

an adult betta should be kept in a minium of 1G (4 litres) to be happy. That doens't ook like it's .25 of a gallon! silly people.

As for dividers, have you thought of making your own dividers? i have done them myself it's very easy :D (not very pretty but it looks alright).

Yeah, i did try making my own and it went horribly wrong....lol Think ill just spend money instead!!!! :D
Those tanks look nice, but it seems cruel keeping a fish in that, even if its a tiny one, and ive never really considered bettas that small... Ive got mine in a 2 gall tank at the moment and im not sure id want to put him in much less... he is quite big anyway, bless him!!!
The only tanks i can find that already have dividers are 1 gal split in two parts... i think i may just buy another 2 gal tank, its only £5!!!! :)

OMG, I'm sorry, but these are almost as bad as that "purse tank" thing, this is from the ad:

"Note that for size representation, the dual tanks hold approximately 16 ounces of water per side (with out gravel)", and the picture HAS gravel in it!!!

16 ounces of water???? And here we are telling someone in another post that 42 ounces of water isn't enough for an adult Betta to live and this has much less than half of that! Sick, just sick!

<goes outside to find someone to punch!> J/K, but that's how I feel right now, Lol

I definately wont buy one of those then... lol Do they really sell tanks like that in the US for bettas?!?! In Shops?!?! Thats really bad....
I'm sure they would make a very nice vase, or a bowl for floating candles, maybe we should email the seller and suggest they change the category they list these things in....
usually with torture chambers that small, they make the picture of the betta smaller on a computer and paste it in the pic to make the betta look like it has more room. im not sure who would pay $10 for one of those. they are in one of my lfs for $15 and the fish in their display vase is always dead ( a differnet one each time)
i wouldnt even put a baby shrimp in that tiny thing. theres no way they even hold 16 ounces of water. theyre not much bigger than the cups bettas come in at the lfs.

bettas need to be housed in 1 gallon or more!
It would make a nice vase... the plant would survive longer than a fish in that anyway!!!!
I have decided to buy another little 2 gal tank and a new betta to cheer mine up a bit! :) Should i get a male or female?! I keep getting told different things... i dont really want to breed them, but ive been told another male betta near him will stress mine out.... It's very confusing!!!

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