

Fish Gatherer
Jan 5, 2005
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North East UK
i am thinking about getting a 3-5 gallon tank with a betta.What can i put in with him because in my lfs the applesnails are kept in coldwater and i thought bettas were warmwater and im not keen on a tankful of snails.What is the minimum size tank for a betta???thanks :thumbs:
Very minimum is one gallon IMO unless you are a breeder. 2.5 is plenty. You can have- ADF, maybe cories, depends on tank size, shrimp, nice plants, not much else TBH.
You can keep an apple snail with it. The snails aren't picky on temp. and they won't breed unless you have a male and female - they are not like the water snails you get on plants that breed like crazy. Some bettas will nip at the antennae but it depends on the individual fish. They grow back anyway and the snail soon learns to hide if the fish approaches :p

Shrimp, like mentioned, are a possibility but some bettas will eat or attack some shrimp. again, it depends on the individual.

If you get a 5 gallon tank or there about, you could put in a platy or two, maybe some cories (but only smaller ones because they need to be in a group). Good cories are pygmy/dwarfs because of size. You can basicaly get anything small and non-nippy that isn't a gourami, a guppy or a schooling fish.

ADFs are a good choice for most bettas too.
Depends on the cory. As I said, you could put a few (3 or so) dwarf/pygmy cories in a 5 gallon but anything else should be in at least a 10 IMO.
I have mine in a 30 gal with other fish. From what I have learned about Bettas is that they are aggressive towards other male Bettas..MOST ofthe time. Some are not too bad from what I have heard. But Iwould still never place two males int he same tank. I have also read that if you have large enough of a tank you can have a couple because they will stake out their own territory and remain in that area. Again..I would nto try it. Just personally ya know. They can be in tanks with non-aggressive fish. I have heard that Barbs tend to munch and chew up their fins. Mine stay too busy zooming all over to bother my lil guy though. I also read that mollies are fine with them, but my Betta would chase the older female Mollies around so he could flare at them. He never beat them up...he just kept trying to get in front of them to flare at them. I think it bothered him that they just ignored him and kept going about their business. Unfortunately we lost the two female mollies during one of our tank emergencies when everything went haywire. But he leaves the babies alone and for some reason they like to follow him around to see what he is doing. But you do have to watch them because they can be rears towards other fish and will bite them if they decide they do not like them. IMO, they are very cool fish. I like to watch the little bugger. He will tilt and turn his head to look at things. He also like to get in my way if I am doing something in the tank. I have accidently grabbed him while picking up things int he tank. He also likes to run against my hands if they are int he tank. Weird but interesting fish. He has even started to swim up to the side of the tank when he sees me. I was trying to take pics of my fish yesterday to see if I could do it and he ended up being in almost all of the shots because he kept following where ever I went. :D

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