i should be getting a 55 gallon soon in the next 2-3 months and want to stock it with calvus.
i know the general facts about them and i know i cant mix them due to cross breeding, males get 6 inches females get around 5 inches, and they are mildly aggressive and need other mildly aggressive tank mates, need a PH of 8.6 - 9.0.
the calvus i would be getting is: Altolamprologus calvus (Kabemba) or white calvus
any possible tank mates for them would be helpful, would prefer tank mates size of more then 4.5 inches if possible
i know the general facts about them and i know i cant mix them due to cross breeding, males get 6 inches females get around 5 inches, and they are mildly aggressive and need other mildly aggressive tank mates, need a PH of 8.6 - 9.0.
the calvus i would be getting is: Altolamprologus calvus (Kabemba) or white calvus
any possible tank mates for them would be helpful, would prefer tank mates size of more then 4.5 inches if possible