Tankmates For Pleco (ancistrus Tamboensis )


Fish Fanatic
Aug 4, 2009
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Hi, i have one of the above Brstlenose plecos, in a 125L tank with 6 Black Neons Tetras. It's a fairly new tank, hence the low stock level but everything is going swimmingly so far. The pleco has cleaned the tank, including the heater, of most of the brown algae in it's first night!

I'm thinking of going along the lines of a pair of Brazillian Rams next and maybe a Yoyo loach to help with a snail problem. Will either of those two species bother the plec? My research on here says Cichlids can have a go at Plec eyes but i've seen no direct reference to Dwarf Cichlids like the rams doing this.

Will they all get along?

Rams aren't likely to bother the pleco, but they aren't a good choice for a new setup. I'd allow the tank to become established for a couple months before adding them. Yoyo's are social fish, and really need to be kept in groups (5 would be good) to avoid problems with other species. You'll need to feed the Ancistrus some veggies since the tank doesn't have much algae yet.
Sorry, i meant Bolivian Rams , don't know where the heck Brazillian came from. I'll hold fire adding any rams for now until the tank is well established.

As i don't really want several loaches keeping each other company ( due to the tank size 125L)maybe somebody could reccomend another solitary snail eater that wont bother the other fish or eat plants?
blues prefer cooler temperatures ... i think ..

and bns go fine with most fish

shouldnt add neons if its a new tank dow
Cheers matchstickman.

The neons are black neons, and i was told by a lfs reccomended on here, that they are much hardier than the other varieties. At this point, one week after they were added, all the fish seem to be thriving so fingers crossed.

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