Tankmates For Guppies


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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the title says it all really...

So what do you keep with your guppies. I want something that would eat tiny fry, not harm the adults. Not nippy...i am going to our main city tommorow and will go into few fish stores so I just want some ideas :) (yes, my tank is cycled, I have 14 guppies, 1 garra, 2 Saes - and the tank is 180 liter, planted)

Could you keep rainbowfish with guppies? If so which ones? Threadfin rainbows? what about M.praecox? Are they always so dull looking in shops (I saw some today in our local LFS)

Any other suggestions, please? I will only buy fish that I will research some before, not the ones I have no clue about...


I have Gold Gorami's and Cardinal Tetras which get on fine with my Guppies, I don't know how they would get on with your other fish though? I think most fish will eat tiny fry.

I have Gold Gorami's and Cardinal Tetras which get on fine with my Guppies, I don't know how they would get on with your other fish though? I think most fish will eat tiny fry.
generaly anything that is smaller is fine
tetras and gouramis are a good choice christi
Hi paw-paw :)

Any species of corydoras will do fine with guppies, as long as you have room to keep several of them. Since they eat off the bottom they will not chase free swimming fry.
Ohhhhhh...........I must need a new pair of glasses. :blush:

Thanks for catching that, Christi_22 :D
i have mollies and guppies together along with gourami and a plec
I have a tank with some yellow sankeskin guppies, the smaller ones (the males are similar to endlers 2m 5f) There is also a juve/young adult female from one of our other tanks.

With them are 6 silver tipped tetra, a gold gourami, a silver gourami a bumblebee catfish, a CAE (soon to move) and 3 tiger ottos and 4 ordinary otos plus 2 apple snails and some MTS.

It is a very stable and happy tank, for a while the Gourami's which I inherited with the tank had the silver bullying the gold but they have all calmed down now, it is in my home office which makes my days at home an even bigger bonus. have had a couple of fry appear in the past week, which was a surprise as none looked particularly pregnant its either the larger of the snakeskins or the other female we moved over.

The gourami's seem to ignore the smaller fish, some of the guppies like joining in with the tetras.

Considering the state of the tank when I got it I am very happy with the way it is now settled down.

I f you look at my signature VVVV underneath this, thats the list of fish I have with my guppies and the tank is coming along fine. No deaths, no fin nips and no midnight snacks. I've had it running for a good few months now and it appears to be a very peaceful community. I've heard that Bumblebee gobies tend to nip fish but mine haven't.
if you put mollies and guppys together they will cross breed
I have platies, a siamese fighter, 4 glowlights and a couple of algae eating loches.

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