Tankmates For Dwarf Gourami


Fish Fanatic
Jun 9, 2007
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Right now i have 1 dwarf gourami in a ten gallon, and am wondering what else i could put in there, I really like loaches, and the wife likes anything colorful really. so any suggestions?
Gouramis in general are only territorial towards their own kind, so you can mix dwarfs with virtually anything else. For your size of tank, I would not take loaches as these get too big.

I suggest you take 6 smaller tetras or a trio of danios, and for the bottom 3 -4 cories.
Or sidthimunki loaches, for that matter. =] They only get to, what, 2 inches max?

I would personally go for a trio of badis - they are amazing fish! They're from the same region, have great personalities and are genreally quite peaceful.
i think khuli loaches wouldnt be a problem

i second this but only problem is you wont see them much as usually their nocturnal but i sometimes see mine, it depends sometimes their out all the time!
if you are going to keep them i would only add a couple as thats all you have room for really
they are very nice fish!! :D
Hmm the badis sound like a good idea, or I could do 3 cory's and 3 black skirt tetras? could more fit?
yoyo loaches have an awsome blk and white pattern and they are very active and do crazy thibgs like goimg in the pump and bury themselves in gravel. Livebearers and other smaller gouramis are a good choice. pearl gourami perhaps.
Gouramis in general are only territorial towards their own kind, so you can mix dwarfs with virtually anything else. For your size of tank, I would not take loaches as these get too big.

I suggest you take 6 smaller tetras or a trio of danios, and for the bottom 3 -4 cories.
so in my ten gallon tank i could have 6 black skirt tetras 3 corries and a dwarf gourami?
You are actually very limited to what you can put into the tank due to its size

other gouramis and any botias are out of the question, i would say cories are as well due to them really needing to be kept in larger numbers.

If it were me i would add maybe 3 otos and 3 tetras,
with the tetras you could go for the fairly slowing moving species like black widows, or the quicker smaller types like the lemon or pristella tetra

or you could look at dwarf frogs or smaller shrimp for the bottom.

also the dwarf being the only fish in the tank is likely to show some aggression towards any new tankmates. so you may need to re-arrange the tank and put all fish in the tank at the same time.
Gouramis in general are only territorial towards their own kind, so you can mix dwarfs with virtually anything else. For your size of tank, I would not take loaches as these get too big.

I suggest you take 6 smaller tetras or a trio of danios, and for the bottom 3 -4 cories.
so in my ten gallon tank i could have 6 black skirt tetras 3 corries and a dwarf gourami?

Finally one year later I have made the choice to purchase a dwarf gouarami for my 10 gallon tank. I went to every LFS today to see what else was available to put in the 10 gallon tank along with it. I would like to put one cory in there or more if people reccomend more. More important than the cories I would like to put either some rasbora hets or glowlight tetras or both. My questions are:
1. Are either the rasboras or glowlights preferable?
2. What stocking levels should I chose if I was to choose one or the other? both?
3. How many cories?
4. Would black skirt tetras be preferable?

Thanks in advance.

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