Tankmates For Dwarf Gouamis


Fish Fanatic
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Freehold, NJ
Hello! I have two dwarf male gouramis, and two cory catfish in a 12 gallon tank. Any suggested tank mates, or should this be the limit to my tank?
Hello! I have two dwarf male gouramis, and two cory catfish in a 12 gallon tank. Any suggested tank mates, or should this be the limit to my tank?

Get some Tetras
I have a female Kribensis in with mine, and my tank is the same size in terms of gallons . They get on fairly well although I suspect it isn't a choice of pairing many would make. I got my gourami as a friend for the krib as she was lonely and very timid. His presence has worked wonders.

You could have 4 Otocinclus in there with him, they stay nice and small but will need to be supplemented with algae tablets/wafers. Some male guppies would also work, 4-6 but no more than that really.
I'd go for a couple more corys, kuhli loach, swordtails, platys, guppies, tetras, (congo tetras are my favourite)
Take you pick anyway, but these are all good fish!

I wouldn't go for plecs, they get too big! unless you want a zebra which are nice, but still, with the corys, they arn't really neccasary!
unless you get a pleco that stays small dont get one.(I have a rubber-nose pleco and he stays nice and small about 1 inch)

ummm..... a small shoal of zebra danios might work well as they are peacefull, and they may incourage the gouramis to come out more if they are shy.

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