Tankmates For Clown Loaches 180G


Fish Fanatic
Jun 9, 2008
Reaction score
Tucson, Az
I just redid my 180G 6'x2'x2' tank, it has sand bottom and a decent amount of plants and driftwood.
I am planning on putting my 9 clown loaches and 1 rainbow shark back into the tank once it clears up.
So I am looking for ideas to stock up that 180.

BTW my other tank (75G) has Australian rainbows, congo tetras, and a few livebearers so I want something different for the 180G.
I just redid my 180G 6'x2'x2' tank, it has sand bottom and a decent amount of plants and driftwood.
I am planning on putting my 9 clown loaches and 1 rainbow shark back into the tank once it clears up.
So I am looking for ideas to stock up that 180.

BTW my other tank (75G) has Australian rainbows, congo tetras, and a few livebearers so I want something different for the 180G.

tbh I'd stick to the Asian theme and go with a small shoal of say 6 Denisoni barb, A large shoal of say 20 Tiger Barbs, ans some larger Danios for the upper part
I just redid my 180G 6'x2'x2' tank, it has sand bottom and a decent amount of plants and driftwood.
I am planning on putting my 9 clown loaches and 1 rainbow shark back into the tank once it clears up.
So I am looking for ideas to stock up that 180.

BTW my other tank (75G) has Australian rainbows, congo tetras, and a few livebearers so I want something different for the 180G.

tbh I'd stick to the Asian theme and go with a small shoal of say 6 Denisoni barb, A large shoal of say 20 Tiger Barbs, ans some larger Danios for the upper part

My tank really has no theme its just sand and plants and fish I like and can go together.
I had some denison barbs but i found they are too sensitive, and expensive, and hard to get where I live.
I was thinking tiger barbs and maybe other types of loaches maybe a shoal of yo-yos or zebras maybe a couple more clowns just so I have an even number.
Danios never really caught my eye except maybe the celestial pearl.
Would a ram work? something mild mannered.
I am also adding a white spotted sailfin pleco and a couple BNs.
I;d definately go with a load of rainbows
I;d definately go with a load of rainbows

my other tank has aussie rainbows, ive had blue neons in the past but they never seemed to do well.
I always wanted to try bosemanis, but i was worried they were too sensitive.
ok heres what im thinking


8 bosemanis
8 parkinsoni
26 cardinals

with my:

9 clown loaches
2 plecos
1 Rainbow Shark

Could I still do Bolivian Rams? How many would be appropriate?

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