Tankmates For A Royal Plec (L190)


Fish Crazy
Jul 28, 2011
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kingdom of the plecos
i would just like to know what fish would b compatible with a l190 pleco in a 4ftx2ftx2ft eventualy being upgraded 2 a 5ftx2ftx2ft so any ideas? :good:
Would probably be easier to say what you wanted and then can say yes or no.

Other plecs, other catfish, tetras, cichlids of varying species I have done with no issues
okay i was thinking maybe 4 discus 1 group of 20+tetras
(NOT sure what type recomendations plz)maybe fetherfin sydontis and somthing else gourami wise recomendation r welcome :blush:
Discus not a great mix for most plecs, especially Panaque, completely opposite dietary requirements.

Also plecs love current generally, although I have never kept them i understand discus don't.

Syno eup. i have done as my girlfriend was attached to it and about to do it again with one and a L330.
Discus not a great mix for most plecs, especially Panaque, completely opposite dietary requirements.

Also plecs love current generally, although I have never kept them i understand discus don't.

Syno eup. i have done as my girlfriend was attached to it and about to do it again with one and a L330.
ok any sugestions for gouramies and tetras?
I have an L191 pleco with my discus, he's only 3inch but is fine :)
I also have a couple other plecs with him, cories, loaches and rummy nose tetras.
Never aggressive to any of them.
I have an L191 pleco with my discus :) and he's doing fine.
I also have a couple other plecs with him, cories, loaches and rummy nose tetras.
Never aggressive to any of them.
ok so here is a stock list
x1royal pleco l190
x20neon or black neon tetras
x1 featherfin sydontis
x7-8 corrydoras sterabi
x4discus (not sure yet need more info)
rtbs not sure with this either
anygood suggestion welcome :nod:
Can't see any issues with tetra or gouramis.

Never personally had gouramis but have kept the following tetra

- cardinals
- neons
- penguin
- emperor
- rummy nose

Also angels, apistos, corys and denison barbs
ok update on stock list
x1 l190
x20penguin tetras
x1 featherfin sydontis
x3 opaline gouramies 1m 2f
x4 discus still not sure
x8 corydoras sterabi
would this stock list b ok? :huh:
I wouldn't risk the rtbs.

Discus a no for me as well, but it is your tank, what temp you thinking of running it at?
Discus not a great mix for most plecs, especially Panaque, completely opposite dietary requirements.

Also plecs love current generally, although I have never kept them i understand discus don't.

Syno eup. i have done as my girlfriend was attached to it and about to do it again with one and a L330.

Spot on info, Mike has very good expeience with panaques so taking his advice is highly recommended :good:

I have an L191 pleco with my discus, he's only 3inch but is fine :)
I also have a couple other plecs with him, cories, loaches and rummy nose tetras.
Never aggressive to any of them.

This has been mentioned before and again with Mike concurring, discus require a high protein diet.. ie... beefheart, prima etc etc, this can have seriously bad consequences to the long term health of the panaque, there diet should consist mostly of wood with a varied amount of veg offered regularly.... with higher protein foods which discus need as a very occasional treat. Just because you have no problems yet, it doesn't mean you are not seriously doing more harm than good to a fish that shouldn't be eating the food on a regular basis.

As to having other plecs with him and being fine, as the fish grows his territorial space increases and you will probably find if the tank isn't big enough that he will not tollerate the other bottom dwellers in there.

Mike gave sound 'correct' advice, im not trying to get at you but just because you haven't had any issues YET, doesn't mean you wont eventually.

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