

Fish Fanatic
Feb 6, 2004
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hi i have a 30 gal tank and 1 firemouth cichlid who is fairly small its jst him i dnt want to breed him so i was thinking 1 oddball tank m8 any suggestions
i always wanted a firemouth i think u should put an angel with him or some rams or other newworld cichlids
Maybe some Mogurnda Mogurnda Gobies, a species of smallish Catfish or a small species of Asian Eels.
Not angles ive kept them, wot type of eels?? peacock or something and predators that i can keep?
Peacock Eels should be fine. Provide plenty of cover and a sandy substrate so that they can bury themselves. They reach around 12-14".
go with spiny eels, as I've said countless times elsewhere in the forum, they make great pets, are entertaining, placid towards tankmates and grow tame enough to be handfed. What more could you want from an animal?....cept maybe to be able to write it's own name in snow with pee? lmao
ryan said:
Maybe some Mogurnda Mogurnda Gobies
You took the words right out of my...Keyboard :lol: The common name is northern purple spotted gudgeon. May be sold without northern part used in name. Not the same as purple striped gudgeon, those are rare :) ( I know you want eels but this fish is also entertaining, believe me, I own one :D )
If you are a bit iffy on the peacock eels, how bout khuli loaches? They are smaller, growing to 10 cms (roughly 4 inches fer all you old stle measure-ers) and are eels like in appearance, peaceful and are a hoot, mine love cutting laps up and down the sides of the tank with eachother or following my other fish around paying tag lol

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