New Boy
Fish Crazy
When you stock a tank most articles mention that you should get a mix of fish that use all areas of the tank....most fish seem to be bottom on midwater dwellers...any tips on good top dwelling fish that are happy with ph 7.6 and moderately hard water and won't get eaten by my other fish.
Also, as I already have 3 syno, 2 clown pleco's and 2 bristlenose (as well as 3 sae's although they swim mid-water) would I be overloading my bottom fish section if I add 3 small loaches?
Also, as I already have 3 syno, 2 clown pleco's and 2 bristlenose (as well as 3 sae's although they swim mid-water) would I be overloading my bottom fish section if I add 3 small loaches?