tank won't "cycle" - how to jump start?


New Member
Jul 14, 2003
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Quick history on this 10 gal tank.
Initial fill- July 3. Thru July ammonia rose but a bad test kit didn't tell me how how until after three weeks. Good test kit indicated ammonia "out the roof". I freaked and dumpted 80% of the water. (I know.. big mistake!)

For past two weeks I've had two "fresh" zebra danios in tank. Amonnia has been 1 to 1.5. I've dumped 20% of water one time.

This morning ammonia is still about 1.5.

Is this cycle ever going to change over to the next stage (ammonia down, nitrite (or nitrate, whatever) up???

Even though I dumped 80% water two weeks ago you'd think some of the ammonia neutralizing bacteria would have "stayed" in the gravel, filter (which has never been changed) etc.

This constant high ammonia is frustrating!
sry cant help ya there i just have my friend baseballfan111 help me might want to ask him if you ever see him
By continuing to remove the water you are lengthening the cycle considerably. Best bet: Go to your LFS and ask them for a some of their tanks gravel. Put it in a filter media bag or pantyhose sock and set it in your filter. This will help jump start it. OR buy all the fish you want to keep in this tank along with some Bio Spira and add them at the same time. The Bio Spira will run you about 20 bucks, but will add all the bacteria you need.
I never used Bio Spira (US only perhaps?) - but it sounds a bit risky to assume it'll work and fix the water just like that. I do agree about taking things from an established tank though.

I would chuck in a good dose of StressZyme or one of the other 'passive' chemicals containing millions of bacteria. You just add some after each water change. It's about £7 ($12?) but lasts for ages.

As said I wouldn't risk putting the fish in until things seem OK.
Hi bookseller, sorry to hear about your trouble, but i was wondering if this is your only tank? If not you could take some gravel from another tank or the filter medium and put it in the new tank to help it. I would think that if you keep dumping water it will slow things down alot. Sorry i could not be of more help.
rob, I'm guessing this "stressZyme" stuff is a tap water conditioner, and probably isn't likely to help the cycle of the tank. There are quite a few biological filter boosters on the UK market that are supposed to speed up cycling but in my experience the best thing is time.
I don't think bio spira is available in the UK. I have seen it work first hand though and highly recommend it if you want an immediate bacteria colony present in your tank. I have read hundreds of cases that praise this product. I have yet to see a single one that states bio spira does not work.
I just want you to know that I have gone through a very similiar situation, and I totally know how frustrating it is :X !! I never had a huge problem with ammonia, but my nitrites were sky high forever! I was so worried that I was going to lose fish, but I'm extremely lucky in that they made it through ok. Depending on a lot of things, tanks can take a very long time to cycle - I'm proof of it. But then one day I tested my nitrites, and instead of being between 5 and 10 I was at 0! Whoo hoo! So just keep your hopes up, I promise it'll happen eventually :).
i will agree with you impur that stuff is great it is high but it is worth the extra money it sure cut my cycling time on my 55 gallon I had it done in a week I am now going to add my fish slowly I have one if someone here can answer it for me should I wait till last to add my angel fish he is mean he wont let me put anything else in the tank except what is in there now.
impur is correct. Bio-spira works like he said. I have never used it personally, but every forum I go to I see posts about it working for people just like impur said.

Bookseller, I'm afraid that if you keep changing that much of water, then you'll prolong the process and even maybe make it start over every time.

It's not the fact that the bacteria will leave with the water, they won't, but they will have no source of food (ammonia) so they will die off. That's why it will start over.

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