Tank Will Not Cycle

The bacteria that process ammonia develop faster than those that process nitrite. Usually on a fishless cycle, it takes about twice as long for the nitrite to drop as it did for the ammonia to drop but part of that is because you are adding more nitrite (in the form of ammonia that is transformed into nitrite) than you did ammonia to start. The best thing to do is continue the water changes to keep it as low as possible and keep monitoring it. It shouldn't take too much longer.
yup sounds like it is cycling, it takes a long time to cycle with fish so you have to be patient. it takes roughly twice as long for nitrite to go as it did for ammonia to go.

regarding pH there are many different sorts of nitrifying bacteria that grow at different pH's, under 5.5 it is a different bacteria that will grow and it's slower, the bacteria for marine is different again.

a higher temp will speed up a cycle, it speeds up the life cycle of the nitrifying bacteria so they reproduce quicker which is what you want
Cheers for all the advice guys. looks like its on its way. think I'll definately go with fishless cycling in the future!

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