The plants will surely help with the tank's "health", as they'll soak up ammonia and nitrates, and provide more oxygen (which will help offset the most often cited problem with tall tanks -- low water oxygen levels). Assuming you're talking medium- to heavily-planted, of course, but with plans for a controlled CO2 injection system, I doubt you're talking about having only two or three plants.
Just for info (i.e. your mileage may vary) I've got a couple of 20 gallon "high" tanks,
fairly heavily planted (at about 1 wpg), that are doing splendidly with fish stocking levels that easily break any 'rule' I've read.
Are the clown plecos of any value to this mix?
In my opinion, only aesthetically. I'll state up front that I'm not a big fan of plecos, and have very limited experience with them, but ...
I could be wrong, but as far as I know, clown plecos are wood-eaters (so they'll probably need driftwood), don't eat algae, and probably don't 'scavenge' much. Plus, they're real Feces Factories, which will put a heavier load on your filtration. The SAEs will probably take care of most algae, and cories are excellent bottom cleaners. Personally, with two SAEs, I would opt for four or five cories instead of the plecos.
Also, in my opinion, a planted tank with the fish load you listed would almost certainly be fine, with the possible exception of the plecos.