Tank Video Update!

Oct 28, 2005
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Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
Regular Listeners will know what this is!! Sea-sick warning!


EDIT - Not so good with quality this time.. my mouth moves at a different pace to the sound, meaning it's like so foreign film! Also, it ends early due to lack of video space on photobukcet :(
arguably your best yet! if that mopani is meant for the cichlid tank , - dont you think it will lower the ph below cichlids likings?
Regular Listeners will know what this is!! Sea-sick warning!


EDIT - Not so good with quality this time.. my mouth moves at a different pace to the sound, meaning it's like so foreign film! Also, it ends early due to lack of video space on photobukcet :(

LOL, I like how you were zipping from room to room as if you were the Crocadile Hunter, passing the odd beast (dog, cat) on the way.

Nice Tanks
The mystery fry have grown so much and so quickly! Shame it wasn't anything more exciting than a platty really ;)
Your community tank isn't really my type of thing, not keen on livebearers myself, or red gravel for that matter. But it's not my tank. I absolutely looooove your puffer though! Can't wait to see my figure 8 again on tuesday. Really need to get at least 1 puffer in England. They definatly are the best fish ever, aren't they? :p
Your dog and cat are really cute too, specially the cat. She's absolutely gorgeous, then again, I do have a weak spot for black (&white) cats.

Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting too :p Looks like it isn't gonna be much more than 6 persons though, shame.
I absolutely looooove your puffer though! Can't wait to see my figure 8 again on tuesday. Really need to get at least 1 puffer in England. They definatly are the best fish ever, aren't they? :p

They certainly are!! I got a load of sand for his tank today so he's going to hate me for moving his stuff around and taking him out of the tank while I change from gravel to sand! :hey: Few frozen cubes of bloodworm or ghost shrimp (his favourite!) and i'm sure he'll come around!! :lol:
That was brilliant :good:
You have some nice looking tanks there ,the cat and dog were cute too.
I couldn't be bothered listening to you waffling on again :p

I take it you forgot to mention the £5 you ended up losing to me after your boasting in your last one ;)

Regular Listeners will know what this is!! Sea-sick warning!


EDIT - Not so good with quality this time.. my mouth moves at a different pace to the sound, meaning it's like so foreign film! Also, it ends early due to lack of video space on photobukcet :(

Timmystood you make me laugh, David Attenborough would be proud of you! Nice to see the mystery fry doing well. So jealous, I really want a puffer fish.

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