So last night when I went to feed my fish 3 juvenile angelfish(0.5 inch) 3 guppies 2 molly and 1 platy I noticed my dalmatian molly not swimming properly, from what I read I believe it was whirling disease. When I woke up today I noticed my silver molly died and my salvation molly was on the ground laying on its side not moving but still breathing and this is before I got my test kit so today I returned the 2 mollys because I still had the 14 day guarantee but I can't give back the others cause I don't have the guarantee for them and when I returned them I got the master test kit api and these where the results
PH 7.6
Ammonia 0 ppm
Nitrate 40 ppm
Nitrite 2.0 ppm
What do I do so I do a 20% water change right now?
I've had this tank for 3 weeks now and can't give away any of the fish.
All the fish where totally fin swimming happily together doing fine
PH 7.6
Ammonia 0 ppm
Nitrate 40 ppm
Nitrite 2.0 ppm
What do I do so I do a 20% water change right now?
I've had this tank for 3 weeks now and can't give away any of the fish.
All the fish where totally fin swimming happily together doing fine