Tank trim help


Fish Crazy
Jun 16, 2004
Reaction score
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
I want to install some new tank trim on the top of my tank. The tank I have right now has a one piece trim. Is this trim a supporting structure or is it just there for good looks?

The reason I want to put new trim on is cause the trim on the tank now has an inside lip of about 2-3 mm and it will be tough to find glass to fit exact. I found some trim that has a 1/2" lip that will help with finding glass fit in case the tank has been warped.
Do you need a longer lip for a glass cover???
The trim is there for good looks... unless you have a large tank that has a brace going through the middle to keep the tank from bowing outward.
Thats exactly what I want. I want a piece of glass to fit but with a lip thats 2-3 mm its hard to get one to fit exact.

Its only a 20g and if I can find some trim then I would get some for my 36g also.
That brace is not there for good looks if you think about the force of that water most tanks bow a little bit thats is what the brace is for If you think about that siclicone sealent cannot hold up 200 pounds of water you could very easily peal the silicone off the glass. :crazy: :unsure:

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