Tank To Small For Betta?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 14, 2006
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please look at the above link taking from ebay. Would you say this tank is too small for a betta? obviously there is no heating in this tank... cant bettas live in cold water and without a filter? i have absolutely no idea about bettas but i think this tank is cruel and unsiutable, yet i think it looks nice...

what do you all think... suitable for a betta or cruel??
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there was i post on them before DEFINATLY CRUEL. it says 3 litres and look where the wter line is it's not even full.

there's a hole in the top bid enough for any betta to get through so they probably might jump!

betta's can't live in cold water but if the room is warm enough constantly then they can be kept without a heater. as for a filter they can be kept without them but then water changes have to more often and alot larger than normal tanks most people do 100% changes every week if not more often.

it's definatly unsuitable for a betta!!!
All of the talk about bettas being unhappy in anything less than like 5 gallons is really getting to me! all of my boys are in 2 gallons or less and they are all quite happy! I agree that tank may not be suitable due to the large hole in which the fish can jumo out of, but not because of the size. 3 litres is roughly 3/4 of a gallon which is plenty of room for a betta to swim around. Also filters and heaters are not necessarily needed, frequent water changes do the job of a filter and as long as your house is at a constant 70-75 degree temp, a heater is not needed.
I haven't seen any threads around saying that bettas require 5g tanks. I have personally stated that I prefer 5g tanks, but that isn't the same as damning those who have less.

This tank pops up about once a month in the general forum, and about every other month in this forum. Most people agree that it's a bad idea for a number of reasons, size being among them.

The hole is one, the other is weight. There is a single hole atop the tank that you need to screw into a wall. Properly screwed into a stud, you shouldn't have issue with it falling. Another is maitanence, if it's properly screwed to a wall, odds are it'll be hard to care for, as the odd shape means it pretty much must be taken down to be cleaned. The open hole on top is considered not betta safe, as bettas are known jumpers (my new boy jumps a good inch above the water. :D)

jayjay did state that if the betta is at a constant temperature, that a heater isn't needed. he also said that they need to be water change constantly, which is the same thing you said, BettaBum873.

The heart shaped, wall mount tank, was never very high in my list of suitable betta homes. It just seemed like it would be too much work to maintain. I always figured it was a cute concept, poorly executed.
i hate those tanks
they are in no way suitable for fish
a plant maybe, but not a fish

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