Tank Temperature


New Member
Aug 27, 2007
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Everything I read tells me orandas/black moores, etc. like cold water. I see heaters galore in the pet stores....how do I keep the water cold? My 10 g. tank stays around 74-76 degrees without a heater.
Thats pretty warm for not having a heater (at least it is in the UK). What country are you in?
turn down the ac to make ur house cooler

blow a fan across the water surface
This is kind of a thread jack, yet it is slightly related. Are those flat, stick-on thermometers that you can buy at petsmart accurate. My reason for asking is that the room my 30g tank is in is kept at 82/83 F, yet my thermometer says that my tank water is 75 F. How can the tank water be cooler than the surrounding air. The water has had about 14 hours to set. Here's a pic of the thermometer for reference.

We do have AC, I live in Michigan, and the room is kept 68-70 degrees. I have both a submersible and stick on thermometer, they usually say the same temp.
chiller if you want very low degrees, fan if you want to lower your temp in your tank a bit.

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