tank swap


New Member
Mar 16, 2005
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The wife and I have had a 10g SW for over 5 years. Two of the original four fish (false clown and clarkii) are still with us. We lost the blennie during a move and a wrasse recently. Anyway, we would like a 55g or bigger but due to space limits settled on a 29g.

We asked the owner of the local shop about the swap and he said all we need to do is transfer the 10g contents to the 29g, fill 'er up, and keep going. For some reason I think there's more to it. Am I right?

What time frame before adding new members to the family?

Also would like suggestions on proper filtering system. I've got a penguin 125 that I bought (on sale) a while back but never used.

Wished I'd found this site sooner and thanks!
Yes you definitly are going to want to move the sand rock and biological media to the tank you will probaly also want more live rock and and sand to.
That's what he mentioned, transferring the established (right word?) and adding the appropriate amount of new rock/sand. I guess the question should have been how long to allow the "new" system to establish itself before adding the occupants?
When you change over tanks you want to act as it is a brand new tank so i would say weight atleast 4 weeks to let you system catch back up. Also just thought i would put this out there if you move over the sand it is very possiable it will case the new tank to spike cause you are disterbing the sand bed. So that is always something to think about.
You would want to wait better safe than worry but if you move all your fish from that tank over along with all the sand and rock and media it should be able to hold those fish with little problems if any.
I moved mine 75g to a 90g and there was no spike. My sand was new sand (Live agaronite), carbon was new, and skimmer was new. As some other things. I had to problem. Long as you do it as quick as possiable (Quick but not to quick that something gets done wrong) , keep your live rock in water if you can, and treat it as a new tank you should be fine.

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