Tank Swap, Now They Are Hiding


Fish Crazy
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Essex, UK
I have set-up a new 35 litre tank and placed 5 Black Neons from my 212 litre community into the new tank.

The Black Neons are very nervous when the lights are on and are hiding amongst the plants. When the lights are out, they come out but as soon as someone approaches the tank, they scatter and dive for cover.

Undoutedly, it is down to the reduction of the tank size, change in water parameters etc... Is there anyhing I can tdo to make them adapt better?

how long have they been in there?

what did you do to cycle the new tank? are you sure the water stats are fine?
how long have they been in there?

what did you do to cycle the new tank? are you sure the water stats are fine?

Tanks is fully cycled and the water stats are fine. The difference is that the water is much softer and more acidic than the large tank. They have been in there for a week now. The plants were only added yesterday though.
before you added the plants was the tank fairly bare?

if that's teh case it's natural that they would be scared and spooked by it, it'll take them a few days to adjust. if your confident that water quality is fine then just give them time, if it's still like this in a few weeks then post back. :good:
Have you thought about increasing the shoal? It might give them a little more confidence.
Have you thought about increasing the shoal? It might give them a little more confidence.

No I haven't as in the large tank, they never used to shoal. I will give them a couple of weeks and hope they will be confident enough to get out in their new surroundings.
I am hoping to add a pair of Blue Rams into this tank but am reluctant due to the behaviour of the Tetras. Do you think it will be fine or should I wait until the behaviour of the tetras is more normal?


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