Tank Stocking


Fish Herder
Jul 22, 2006
Reaction score
Lincolnshire, England
Hi Guys,

Just trying to plan out my tank, it's a 5'x2'x2' planted tank.

I'll be having around 20ish glowlight danios and if i can find them, 20-30 green neon tetras.

I'm wanting a larger fish to go with these. Always liked angel fish, but would these still attack the smaller fish even if there's a group of them?

If so, i'm after ideas for an alternative 'centrepiece' fish, something largish but still friendly. Possibly a gourami, but none are really taking my fancy.

Anyone have any other ideas?
Have you looked at the opaline gourami? they are very hardy and are supposedly community fish (i havent kept them myself, too big for my tank). take a look at this pic (its a really nice opaline):

If that doesn't appeal to you, maybe some (6+) bosemani rainbows, but i dont know if that will overstock the tank- dont know the sum off the top of my head. here they are:

I dont know much about angels, so a free bump from me in the hope someone experienced with angels will come along. ;)
So your tank is five foot long by two foot wide and high? If i've read correctly then i'd go with bigger fish as neons and glowlights will just get lost in it lol. Gouramis are ok but you can get roug males that can be aggresive. Plus Angels or bigger fish will have a nice time eating your smaller fish. Have a look at Rainbows or stuff like Congo tetras. Lovely bright coloured fish. Let me know what you think!!
So your tank is five foot long by two foot wide and high? If i've read correctly then i'd go with bigger fish as neons and glowlights will just get lost in it lol. Gouramis are ok but you can get roug males that can be aggresive. Plus Angels or bigger fish will have a nice time eating your smaller fish. Have a look at Rainbows or stuff like Congo tetras. Lovely bright coloured fish. Let me know what you think!!

Nah, they won't get lost, you can just have oodles more. 20 of one and 30 of the other in a planted tank of that size is very conservative stocking. I bet you could have about 2x as many and still be quite comfortable.

I do like the choice of rainbows as a centerpiece fish, though. Big and flashy, without the attitude.

What is planned for the bottom layer of the tank?

Thanks for the suggestions.

I went to the lfs yesterday, got 12 more glowlight danios to start my group. They did have some rainbows, although they were wild caught and £10 each :(

For the bottom i'm thinking of getting some corys, although not sure which yet. There's a few Kulhi loach left from a previous tank too, i might get them a few more mates.
Thanks for the suggestions.

I went to the lfs yesterday, got 12 more glowlight danios to start my group. They did have some rainbows, although they were wild caught and £10 each :(

For the bottom i'm thinking of getting some corys, although not sure which yet. There's a few Kulhi loach left from a previous tank too, i might get them a few more mates.
Oops my bad mate. A miss understanding there cos i thought you ment glowlight tetras lol. Have a look around for some rainbows active nice colours and they won't harm your other fish!! Although i've got a thing about them at the moment. Rainbows that is : @ )
ive always liked bosemani rainbows, but cant house so many of that size :sad: . dwarf rainbows are also nice :good: .
just some ideas...
Yeah there are some lovely dwarf rainbows worth getting if you see them. But may look better in a smaller tank imho.
I went to the lfs yesterday, got 12 more glowlight danios to start my group. They did have some rainbows, although they were wild caught and £10 each :(

I highly doubt that they were actually wild caught. Most rainbows come from Austraila and New Ginea, both of which have very strict export and import laws. It would cost alot more than 10 pounds per fish. As a matter of fact, on a rainbow forum that I belong to tried to import a few wild caughts and the cost was proibitivey expensive to the point where they didn't go through with it.

Is it possible? Yes as long as you have the right permits and inspections. Is it likely? No, not for 10 pounds a fish.
Yes your right with wild fish thing. I used to get fed up with everything being put down as wild caught with the Malawis. Seemed to put the prices up quite abit without being able to proove it when asked lol.
Hmm i might wait until they have some more reasonable priced rainbows then, thanks for letting me know!

It's a MA too, wouldn't have expected that from them.

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