Tank Stocking Input Needed


Feb 28, 2006
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Amarillo, Tx
I was wondering what a nice small pleco would be. I was kinda looking at the Bristlenose pleco. I currently have a what i believe to be a common pleco (darker green with a little bit lighter green stripes, kinda brownish green lol), But, next would be a few loaches. I like the clown loaches but they too grow to pretty good sizes, so was kinda looking at maybe some Kuhli Loaches. Do different loaches school together? For example a few clown loaches mixed with Kuhli Loaches. I have heard that although the Kuhli is considered a schooling fish they often times prefer to be loners. For the other fish, I have one dark rainbow shark. From there I am thinking of going with a small school of tiger barbs(do albinos and normal get along for schooling?) and a small school of Gourami. Also have one Raphael Cat, Striped. Aquarium will be natural plants and some driftwood and caves. Does any of this sound like a possible disaster? Thank you for any input. No rush on this still have a few days before i begin planting.
I can't imagine khuulies and clown loaches schooling together- more like the khuulies hiding from the clowns. And as you say clowns grow too big for the tank.

If I were you I would go for a nice group of khuulie loaches, maybe 5 or 6. They won't necessarily school in the sense you are thinking of, swimming around like a school of tetras, but they will be encouraged and made more confident by each other's presence. Great little fish IMO.

A bristlenose would be fine for this tank, once you've rehomed your common plec. I like the look of the bristlenoses- it will be the first I buy when I upgrade.

Tiger barbs and gouramis are probably not a good combo; gouramis like a quiet life, and barbs are hectic and nippy. Albinos and ordinary barbs do school together though; a school of at least 6-8 fish is recommended, so they don't beat each other up too bad.

Gouramis are not schooling fish, though a trio (1 male, 2 females) often works well. 2 males less so. They
are territorial.

I would choose either barbs or gouramis.

Afraid I know nothing about the Striped Raphael.

Hope this helps.
Ty for your input. I have been reading up on the two and have found that most all places say they make good tanks mates. Keeping the barbs in larger schools keeps them occupied with each other and the info on the gourami was like what they were saying keep a few to entertain each other and they will leave the rest of the fish alone as well.

Since the tank is only 37 gallons you should forget the clowns as you said in another tank that the tank is tall, and since you already have the shark i would avoid loaches which are a similar shape as sharks don't like this.

Khulis will be fine, there is also a black khuli loach so you could get some of each. Tiger barbs look great in a big shoal you can get green ones too. You could just go for a stripy tank and get a couple of plecs with stripes like a clown plec to keep with the theme. Gouramis would be nipped by the barbs.

Emma :)
Ty for your input. I have been reading up on the two and have found that most all places say they make good tanks mates. Keeping the barbs in larger schools keeps them occupied with each other and the info on the gourami was like what they were saying keep a few to entertain each other and they will leave the rest of the fish alone as well.

But, aren't the gourami's aggressive enough to hold their own? Almost everything i have read up on barbs and gourami's have said they are good tank mates, especially in groups

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