Tank Stand


Fish Crazy
Nov 29, 2009
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my tank is a aqua one cube 650s the size is 25"x25"x25" and holds 220 litres, my question is about the stand which to me doesn't look like it gives the tank enough support as it only really supports the tank along two sides as you can see from the pics, the tank is 10mm glass and sits on a polystyrene matt, i'm just worried that the tank might bow the top that it sits on and cracks the glass.
i'm probably just being parranoid but the tank is going upstairs so i want to be fairly sure it doesn't cause me a problem, the stand is the one made for the tank, i was just wondering if you think it looks strong enough.

it looks fine to me...if the stand was made for the tank you shouldnt have anything to worry about alot of companys make pretty rubbish stands so your not alone on this one :)
Looks good to me!

The sides are sitting directly under the tank, which means they are supporting the tank "vertically." The vertical strength of wood is phenomenal when you actually start thinking about it.

You should have nothing to worry about!

ok thanks for that ,i was just a bit worried by the fact there doesn't seem to be that much support other that down the two sides, but i suppose they will test these things first, they don't seem all that well made for the price that they charge.
hm....you should see the stand that holds one of my tanks then lol you think this is shocking? how about a stand which only supports from the middle? and its only about say...15 cm in the middle...its hard to explain take a wee look at this...


but yet it holds fine....i think your just like me...worry way to much so easy to do with these stands! :blink:
that stand would worry me even more especially with my kidds running around
that stand would worry me even more especially with my kidds running around

ha, i have 2 :rolleyes: but belive me although it does not look safe...and i personaly am wary of trusting it, it is! and holds the tank fine...

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