Tank Stand


Fish Fanatic
Jun 19, 2006
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hi everyone i have just got hold of a 6ft x2ftx2ft tank and wondered what would be best to use as a stand for it as i asked some pet shops and was told they couldnt get me a metal stand that big if anyone has any suggestions plz reply asap
Now that's going to be heavy!

DIY and option ?
try this

diy tank stand

or how about these

stand centre

but their standard range only goes up to 4'
you could e-mail them to see if they can help tho'

hope you have solid floors!
Is there an engineering/building place near you? There is a place near me that does all kinds of stainless steel stuff like tables, car parts, etc, etc. I think they are reasonable inexpesive for the kind of work they do.

If it will be a permanent fixture you could get a brick layer to build you some small walls and then build a frame on top to hold the tank.

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