Fish Herder
Hey people,
Firstly can anyone find a site that lists the standard tank sizes for the clearseal range?
Because not even their own website says
Basically I'm still debating whether or not to buy a "package-setup" or go down the seperate route for a 3ft,
So I've been adding up the costs that I can get my equipment for, for both options. (does that make sense lol?)
My lfs stocks the clearseal range and I carn't find the standard sizes available (obviously) so I've done a search
for "common tank sizes" and came up with the following 3fters:
36" x 12" x 15" at 24 gallons
36" x 12" x 18" at 29 gallons
36" x 15" x 18" at 36 gallons
Which of these is best to use? I'm thinking that the 15" tall is a bit worse for lighting reasons, but you tell me
Anyway, I'll stop ranting useless crap now and show you my lists of equipment for them:
24 Gallon Nano-cube package
Nano cube £175
Live rock £100
Sea salt £30
Hydrometer (for now) £10
Aragonite sand £10
Test Kit £20
Phosphate tester £10
Heater £15
Electric thermometer £15
New Powerhead £20
Refugum light £5
Live rubble £10
RO water £20
Total: £440
Separate 3ft (Diamentions anyone?)
Tank £30
Live rock £150?
Powerheads £60
36†luminaire T8 £80
Sea Salt £30
Hydrometer (for now) £10
Aragonite sand £10
Teat kit £20
Phosphate tester £10
Heater £15
Electric thermometer £15
RO water £20
Total: £450
I was surprised to only find a £10 difference in price, so far...
Oh, if theres anything missing, because no doubt there is, please say and I'll add em' in
So people, what do we think? Go seperatly or go package?
Any input is really appreciated
Thanks again,
(P.S I just found some of my first cherry shrimp fry in the tank next to me )
Firstly can anyone find a site that lists the standard tank sizes for the clearseal range?
Because not even their own website says
Basically I'm still debating whether or not to buy a "package-setup" or go down the seperate route for a 3ft,
So I've been adding up the costs that I can get my equipment for, for both options. (does that make sense lol?)
My lfs stocks the clearseal range and I carn't find the standard sizes available (obviously) so I've done a search
for "common tank sizes" and came up with the following 3fters:
36" x 12" x 15" at 24 gallons
36" x 12" x 18" at 29 gallons
36" x 15" x 18" at 36 gallons
Which of these is best to use? I'm thinking that the 15" tall is a bit worse for lighting reasons, but you tell me
Anyway, I'll stop ranting useless crap now and show you my lists of equipment for them:
24 Gallon Nano-cube package
Nano cube £175
Live rock £100
Sea salt £30
Hydrometer (for now) £10
Aragonite sand £10
Test Kit £20
Phosphate tester £10
Heater £15
Electric thermometer £15
New Powerhead £20
Refugum light £5
Live rubble £10
RO water £20
Total: £440
Separate 3ft (Diamentions anyone?)
Tank £30
Live rock £150?
Powerheads £60
36†luminaire T8 £80
Sea Salt £30
Hydrometer (for now) £10
Aragonite sand £10
Teat kit £20
Phosphate tester £10
Heater £15
Electric thermometer £15
RO water £20
Total: £450
I was surprised to only find a £10 difference in price, so far...
Oh, if theres anything missing, because no doubt there is, please say and I'll add em' in
So people, what do we think? Go seperatly or go package?
Any input is really appreciated
Thanks again,
(P.S I just found some of my first cherry shrimp fry in the tank next to me )