Tank Size?


New Member
Feb 19, 2004
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i was hopeing to get a small 2.5 gallon one but then i read somewhere on here that it said it would be easyer with a big one but i think a small one would be fine.......

should i get the 2.5 gallon or should i try for a bigger one?
Depends on what you want to put in it, and how much work you want.

One of the reasons people will recommend getting as large a tank as possible is, the larger the volume of water you're working with, the smaller the effect of small chemical fluctuations -- that is, the larger the tank, the more stable the water will tend to be. Which usually means less work/worrying/problems.

Also, with a 2.5 gallon tank, not a lot of fish will "fit" in it, and those that do, you won't be able to keep a lot of. You're probably looking at two fish, maybe four tops, if they're very small, like neon tetras.

Personally, unless I was making a betta tank, I wouldn't bother with a 2.5.
IMO definatley a bigger one.


Easier to keep
Can house more fish
More fish available for tank size (rather than so small a tank that only ? would fit)
Looks better


Takes up more room
May cost more
May lead to MTS (mulitple tank syndrome!)

What are you wanting to keep. I do not think a 2.5 US? tank is big enough for any fish. Maybe Sea Monkeys.

i was thinking maybe 2 tiger barbs and maybe a pleco. my LPS said they would fit and i dont think they would lie about somthing like that just to sell some fish they have enough buisness sence they are the only one :)
Barbs are very active schooling fish, and they grow to a decent size. I think that is a very bad idea.

Most plecos would also outgrow a 2.5 in no time, though there are a small varieties, make sure you choose the right type.

In general I'd take the advice already given. A betta is about the only fish that can fit into a 2 gallon bowl, and even then I wouldn't do that. Even small fish like neons are best kept in larger numbers then a 2g will allow. In addition these fish are all tropical, so the tank should be heated as well.
ok so it looks like im going for a bigger one!

Thanks for the help!!
2.5 gallons is very small, I agree with what everyone's said on this post, Personally I would at least go for a 10 gallon (still small but gives you a bit more choice)
Ten gallons is a nice size.

* It's only 20" long.
* It's very "standard", so parts for it are easily available and pretty inexpensive.
* Pretty much all water products (dechlorinators, medications, fertilizers, and especially dechlorinators) are labelled with dosages for 10 gallons (usually 1 teaspoon per), and it's more difficult to measure out smaller doses.
Good point,

What kind of plec do you want FF? You should be careful as commons get to 12"+. There are some smaller species available though, but I am concerned whether they would be small enough. The smallest I know of is the zebra plec but they are so expensive you could buy a bigger tank and a cheaper plec for the same price! I think L134s (Leopard Frog Plec) stay small, I have one.

Maybe look here - http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/com_list.htm#12 - at a list of a the 'L numbers'. There are many there, I am not sure whether they are all plecs or if there are more plecs that are not L no's though.

Couldn't miss the small Pleco talk :lol:, personally I would go for the 10g which if more long than tall would allow you to have one of several species in there, remember though only one Pleco. CS mentioned the Zebra and Leopard Frog, both of which are small growing Plecos, there are also some others like the Clown Pleco which in my experience only reaches 3-4 inches and can fit in a long 10g but it would much rather a 20g so if you want other bottom dwellers skip the Clown. Another downside to Clowns is that they are socail fish and should be kept in groups, so I would actually rule these out.

If you are going for a 2.5g there is only room for the smallest Loricariidae the Otto, however, these are a shoaling fish that prefer the company of their own kind so there wouldn't be much room for any other fish.

Good Luck :)

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