Tank Size Or Tank Cost!


New Member
Nov 18, 2005
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If i bought a 30 x 30 x 30 tank. Would that cost a hell of a lot more than say a 24 inch wide tank?When do tanks start to get more expensive? Is it the volume of water or the length that makes it more expensive?. I look forward to your thoughts!
Hi...I can partially answer this having a 24G NC (not larger than 19" in one direction). The initial outlay for a large tank can be intimidating, largely related to the live rock. Eg, if one needs 1 to 1 1/2 lbs of live rock, a 75 gallon tank would run you $375-600 without shipping costs. For a 24G, the live rock cost me a little over $100. So, the startup costs for a larger tank can be 3-5X as much than a small one.

However, as many can attest here, a smaller tank will need much more maintenance with regards to water changes, livestock losses, etc since it is, well, let just say 'unstable' compared to a larger tank. In short time, the smaller tank can quickly overtake the initial startup costs of the larger tank. So, you have to be 'an educated consumer' before deciding which route to take. SH
I can only comment on my experience as a manufacturer in the UK, but as a general guideline the cost of the tank itself increases as the top to bottom measurement goes up, simply because of the need to go to thicker glass sizes; thus a 24in cube would be significantly less than a 30in. cube. The length of the tank is not the determining factor, it's the height.
I can only comment on my experience as a manufacturer in the UK, but as a general guideline the cost of the tank itself increases as the top to bottom measurement goes up, simply because of the need to go to thicker glass sizes; thus a 24in cube would be significantly less than a 30in. cube. The length of the tank is not the determining factor, it's the height.
How much would you charge then for a 30 x 30 x 30 tank or a 30 x 24 30. Cheers
also the price goes up the taller the tank is due to the need to get more powerful lighting to penitrate the depth of the water. Personally, I have done this for three years now. 2 with Fresh, 1 with marine. One thing Ive learned is this. The longer the tank the better. More room for fish to swim. Remember fish swim back and forth, not really up and down a whole lot. My Ideal tank (which I just bought) 36"x18"x20". Would like to get a 48" or even 60" length tank when I move into a new house, this house is just to small for a 4-5-6 foot tank.
I agree with JJ.....length (cough) matters. Always go for length instead of depth if possible. SH
Thanks guys again. The reason why i was going to go for a 30inch high was to try and get more water volume in the tank as i dont have enough room do have a 4ft tank! Wish i did.ggrrr. Think i will go for the 24inches high as i will save some money and spend it on better lighting etc.

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