Tank Size For A Common Pleco And Clown Loaches


Fish Addict
Feb 2, 2009
Reaction score
Ohio, USA
hi, i currently have a common pleco and two clown loaches in a 55 gallon, i know that is two small for them isnt it? how big of a tank do i need? :-(

My mom says that the fish dont need the extra room they still have room to grow, i want them to be happy! i love my fish! can you please help me convince her? she says it is just an opinion. :no:

And wont their organs grow and not the fish? :huh:

please help! :shout:
the 55 is way too small long term. while the tank may work for a while, you will need a 6' tank rather then your 4' 55g, long term.

the common pleco will probably grow to be around 18". most places will tell you that they grow to 24", but realistically, it will probably top out around 18". either way, the 55 is too small. generally, you want your tank to be wider then your fish is long. this allows the fish to comfortably turn around swim more freely. with plecos, this rule isnt as important as in other cases, but of course, more space is always better.
also, the clown loaches will grow to around 12" (though reports of 16" in the wild are common. again, you probably will never see that in a aquarium). however, unlike the pleco, clown loaches grow very slowly, and will take many years to get to its max size.
the 55 is way too small long term. while the tank may work for a while, you will need a 6' tank rather then your 4' 55g, long term.

the common pleco will probably grow to be around 18". most places will tell you that they grow to 24", but realistically, it will probably top out around 18". either way, the 55 is too small. generally, you want your tank to be wider then your fish is long. this allows the fish to comfortably turn around swim more freely. with plecos, this rule isnt as important as in other cases, but of course, more space is always better.
also, the clown loaches will grow to around 12" (though reports of 16" in the wild are common. again, you probably will never see that in a aquarium). however, unlike the pleco, clown loaches grow very slowly, and will take many years to get to its max size.

thanks! so how big of a tank? the loaches and plec arent my only fish so how big of a tank for every thing to live comfortably?

2xclown loaches
1xred finned shark
1xpuffer(dont know what kind but peaceful)
1xreed fish (E.Calabracis?)

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