Tank size and putting a male Betta with other fish


New Member
Jun 11, 2004
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Dawsonville, GA
We are new to this but so far so good. I purchased a 55 gal. tank about a month ago. At that time my 2 year old would not let me leave without getting a Betta. So I also purchased a small 1 gal. tank for the betta. Now that I have the 55 gal. up and running and have some fish in it which seem to be doing well. I have 3 silver dollars and 4 guromeas (i know i just butchered the spelling) It just does not seem fair to have the Betta in such a small tank sitting on top of the 55 gal. almost seems like I might be teasing him.
I can't give much advise on fish but I did discover that my 2 year old son does not like the taste of blood worms. Don't ask. :no:

Thanks in advance for your responses, Mike
well...as far as i know.... bettas can be good tankmates only with those fishies that dont have "FANCY" fins, cuz they will see that as a competition althouh i dont kno a lot about SD's so thats the only thing i can help on putting him in the tank

otherwise you can buy a little 10 gal or 5 and do it a tank for her :) with good tankmates for the betta :) corys are good tankmates :), also... neon tetras?? but it really much depends on the personality that your betta has ....but never put him with flaring fins no-no!!

hth good luck!! :thumbs:

PLEASE! some1 correct me if im wrong
Unless you really want to buy another tank for the betta, it can't really go in the other tank, or have another fish in the 1G.

In the 55G you have, chances are the gourami's will attack the betta and kill it. It's not a certainty but it could happen.

As for the 1G it's really full ATM, but you could add a golden apple snail to it if you wanted to, but you would have to increase the number/volume of water changes to cope with the snails mess.
This site is awesome. I never dreamed that I would get instant replies in the middle of the night. Thanks so much and keep the replies coming.
gonefishin said:
.... but I did discover that my 2 year old son does not like the taste of blood worms. ...
:rofl: :lol: :rofl:

Too, too funny. Y'know, you could always find room for another tank - if you got a 4 or 5 gallon you could split it in half and have two bettas. More, more, more!
IMHO i would just buy a bigger tank for the betta, i house mine in 4.5 gallon plastic tanks with filters and heaters and soon will be getting some cories or mollys/platies as tankmates.

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