Tank Setup, With Shrimp


Fish Fanatic
Apr 15, 2008
Reaction score
Nova Scotia
I'm planing on getting a good sized tank for my birthday (in the end of october, so i still got time) and i was thinking of making an "Asian" themed tank, now I've already decided on the live plants and fish, but I was wondering if i could add any shrimp, i was looking and apparently the best kind for cleaning that i can find is the "Red Cherry Shrimp", and i'll give you a list of the fish and plants i'm adding in, and you guys tell me if it's alright

Fish -
Pearl Gourami
Harlequin Rasboras
Kuhlii loach (possibly, i've read that they like the taste of shrimp :eek:)

Plants -
Java Moss
Giant Vallis
Water Sprite

Any problems with adding shrimp to the mix?...
I dont see a problem matey. My cherry shrimps dont take no s##t off my barbs so i'm sure they will be fine.
lol, alright, i was hoping it'd work out, cuz i got one kuhlii loach in with the 30 gallon i have right now, and he's not too happy i don't think, he's all alone because his friend died, and at $6 each, it's a little bit of a pain while i'm still putting the finishing touches up on that tank :S (algae eaters and fake plants are all i need)
I have to disagree, odds are your pearl gourami will make short work of any cherry shrimp that you add. Kuhli loaches are no bother, I have 9 in my 180 litre planted, which contains a breeding colony of cherry shrimp. If you haven't bought fish yet, and really want gourami then go for one of the dwarf species, these are far less risky.

maybe i'll try some ghost shrimp, or something cheaper before i go with the red cherry shrimp

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