Tank Set Up


Fish Fanatic
Nov 24, 2005
Reaction score
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
I just purchased a new 5 gallon aquarium and have done some research into bettas, but I still have some questions which I'm hoping you all could answer. I have heard that box filters are best, but then I hear that I should get a power filter. Since current is a factor in a betta tank, would there be a way to slow the power output of a power filter? I know that you can get valves for box filters. How much would an incandesent light effect the temp of a 5 gallon tank? I'm planning on putting a flourecent in because I prefer the lighting, but how big would the change in temp be if I hold off on that purchase? I also had a question on substrate and decorations, I know that they are mostly personal preferances, but what works best to display a betta? Thanks everyone in advance for replying.
A power filter is good the only power filter that I know of that has a flow control is the whisper power filter but I don't use filters with my bettas tanks simply because the only tank that can really have a power filter is my 2.5g but my betta really hated it so I took it out. But don't forget to get a heater for the tank. Also don't forget dechloranator for the water. You could just use gravel (your color choice) and some artifical silk plants and if you want a cave but you have to make sure it doesn't have any ruff edges by runing pany hoses (or however you spell it) over them to see if they snag on the cave, if they don't then it would be ok. I don't think it would matter what type of light that you use but almost every pet store sales hoods that comes with a fitted light so you could just get one of those. I hope I was able to answer your questions, if not ask more questions and either me or someone else should be able to help you out.
What kind of pretty boy will you get?

There are appropriate screw-in flourescent bulbs. I use power filters. It's what I know and I'm lazy. Most of my tanks are Eclipses. Not great for the Betta, but they manage and seem happy.

Durkbat did a good job. The panty hose thing is a good idea. Do use silk plants, and I like the ones with the weighted bases.

Some Betta folk use under gravel filters which seem appropriate for Betta.
Since current is a factor in a betta tank, would there be a way to slow the power output of a power filter?

I do think power filters are far superior, and there are ways to kill the current coming out of them. I've heard of people using cut up coke bottles and plastic canvas among other things. Hopefully someone else will respond with more elaborate details on how to implement them.

How much would an incandesent light effect the temp of a 5 gallon tank?

Incandescent lights can severely affect the water temperature. I had them in a new 10 gallon tank I bought a year ago, and the lights alone kept my tank at 84 degrees, so I switched it to fluorescent. You can do a test run if you like, but definately try it first withOUT fish in the tank.

I also had a question on substrate and decorations, I know that they are mostly personal preferances, but what works best to display a betta?

Substrate is totally personal preference. Myself, I prefer sand. I have several bettas that snuggle under plants and such on the bottom of the tank, and sand is a more soft base for them. As for plants, silk or live are best. I like ones with a few big leaves on them, my guys sometimes snooze on the leaves. Bettas also love caves and other hide-aways. Small terra cotta pots laying on their sides make good hide-aways too.
Well I went and got a flourecent bulb today, I figure its not worth the hassle and I like the lighting it gives better anyway. As for power filters, which do you guys prefer? External or submerged? And if changing the flow of a power filter is such a hassle, would it make sense to get a filter rated for 1-3 gal., as opposed to one rated for 5-10 gal.? Keeping in mind that my tank is only 5 gallons. I've looked in a few pet stores but I've yet to see a fake plant labelled "silk". Would it say on the package or would I just have to go by the feel of it? Thanks for the speedy replies everyone. :)
I'd recommend whisper power filters they are external and have a flow control so you won't have to find ways to lower the water flow. The silk plants I've seen don't say silk I don't think but they feel really smooth and most have a lite black colored weight on the bottom to hold them down.
Hahaha :lol:

I'm sitting here trying to figure out what the brands are of the cloth-like plants. I can say, though, that the plants with the weights like rocks are good. I'm skeptical about using filters rated for smaller tanks on bigger tanks.
I would look for an external filter if you can, I have whispers in my 5 gallons, and they're great cause they're adjustable. But, they are also internal filters, and I feel like they take up so much room inside the tank. Guess it's a little give and take situation :p
I guess I'll go with an external. I'm pretty particular on the look of the aquarium so I guess the external would be a little better in that respect. Although I think that the panty hose idea presented earlier would likely be good, I much rather not go into the local pet store with a pair and just start rubbing it against things, lol. Would it be safe to assume that most driftwood bought in pet stores would be safe as far as rough edges go? I can't wait to go out and buy everything tomorrow, my bare tank begs to be filled.
"Although I think that the panty hose idea presented earlier would likely be good, I much rather not go into the local pet store with a pair and just start rubbing it against things, lol."

Thanks for that image :rofl:

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