Tank Sand


Oct 20, 2005
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I haven't been aruond in a while, and since I have come back, I now have a craving to get another betta...damn you people!!!!

Anyway, apart from that, I want to try to use tank sand instead of gravel. I have never used tank sand before, but I really like how it looks, and as a result have a few questions:

I am assuming (with sand) it would take some time to settle onto the bottom, approximately how long does this take, are there any techniques to make it easier? Also, when using tank sand, should the tank be cycled any differently? I plan on cycling my tank 3-5 days, should it be done longer or shorter?

I have a 5 gallon tank at home, and was thinking of putting my younger (year old) betta in it, with perhaps some corys. Good plan?

All information is gladly welcome!!!!
Sand is AWESOME! I just started using it. Makes the tank look a bit brighter and cleaner. It doesn't 'kick up' and cloud the tank as one might expect it to. It settles almost immediately. I would figure cycling is the same. Just don't use more than 1 inch of sand. I heard it might create "dead zones", something about bactaria or nitrate (something like that).

I don't have a pic of the entire tank, but I think you get the picture.


Good luck! Let us know the progress on your tank. :)

I read the link that was posted about it, and I am to get Malayan Snails to help with the bad gases in the sand, which I will get, I am going to go to the pet store in town. What kind of sand is yours? They said there are different types, depending on if your water is hard or soft, I am guessing my water is hard, as I live in a small town. I will have to ask though!!

Perhaps if my 5 gallon turns out nicely, i will put the sand in my other two 2.5 gallon tanks with my other two bettas, and get some fish and use my 10 gallon!! After returning to look around this forum I am fish crazy again. ACK!!!!!!!

It's marine sand, but I will get you the name as soon as I get home. It is a clear bag with a little clown fish on one of the upper corners. Somewhere in the middle it says safe for saltwater and freshwater aquariums.

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