Tank Remodel


Fish Crazy
Nov 19, 2006
Reaction score
Southern California
I've been thinking about my options as far as remodeling my tank and I'm trying to figure out the best way to do this.

Basically, my goal is to make my tank (55 USgal) an ideal environment for a senegal and armored bichir. I kinda want my tank to be more low maintenence than it is now, so I want to stock it pretty low for now.

-Substrate: I'm going to use a fine sand substrate as I've heard horror stories of bichirs swallowing and choking on some of the larger gravel (which is currently in my tank).

-Decor/Planting: I've heard mixed ideas on whether bichirs like planted or non planted tanks (whether fake or real). I know they need lots of hiding spot, so I plan on putting some bogwood in there.

-Procedures: Whats the best way to go about this? (I currently have my senegal, but I have yet to get the armored.) I was thinking about getting some large containers to put the water currently in my tank into, drop a heater and a powerhead into one with my senegal, and then taking out the old substrate and putting in the new along with all the decor and then just putting the water and senegal back into my tank.

Any input on this would be greatly appreciated.
heres a photo of my bichir tank.its work in motion at the minute as im not 100% sure on the layout.



the main fish in the tank are a

1 x 8 inch senegal
1 x 4 inch delhezi
1 x 4 inch palmas poli
3 x 2-3 inch severums
Are those tiger barbs schooling in your tank? They look great, I might have to steal them :hey:

EDIT: Where did you get that awesome hunk of lumber? :p
yeah,they are tiger barbs.got 8 of them in the tank.you should be able to get wood at your lfs.when i buy wood or plants,i look for a similar size tank to mine at the shop,then,take the wood and plants out to the tank and put them on the floor right in front of the tank.it gives me a good idea if i need more wood or more plants etc.
yeah,they are tiger barbs.got 8 of them in the tank.you should be able to get wood at your lfs.when i buy wood or plants,i look for a similar size tank to mine at the shop,then,take the wood and plants out to the tank and put them on the floor right in front of the tank.it gives me a good idea if i need more wood or more plants etc.

The piece you have in your tank looks like one solid piece :hyper: . I think u missed the question, but what size is ur tank? Thats a good idea about putting wood next to a tank in the shop... Never thought of that.
my tank is a 121cm long,41cm deep,55cm high,so roughly a 70 us gallon.the wood is only a solid piece to the java fern.underneath the java fern,another piece of bogwood joins the big piece.they arent stuck together or screwed together though.
Here are a couple of my 'dedicated' Polypterus tanks:

100 gallon


20 gallon (Long) grow-out tank - this shot is taken end-on but you get the general idea


10 gallon grow-out tank for very young (less than 6 inch) bichirs


Thanks for all the great posts guys, those are some nice looking tanks! :good: I'll post some pics of mine when I get it all done. Prolly won't happen till mid Jan.

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