Tank readings


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
My betta girly tank readings tonight:
NitrItes 0
KH - off the charts (higher than 300) - that pad turned bright blue
Hardness 300
NitrAtes 30
PH is also off the charts (Above 8.4) but all of my betta tanks are always that high, it never really fluctuates.
Ammonia: .25

Do any of these numbers really require any water change?

I test every night, and when the ammonia gets up over .25 then I do about a 20% water change. Everything seems to be going fine.
sounds like your right on. i think if the nitrates go over 40, the nitrites go over .5, or the ammonia goes over .25 (i think), you are supposed to do a water change

hope that helps!! :thumbs:
littlefishie said:
Do a water change if your ammonia gets to anything higher than 0.

.25 is probably relatively okay, but I wouldn't want to risk it.
She's cycling so that's virtually impossible atm.

You're on the right track,BM. Just try to keep the water clean with as little gravel disturbance as possible. Don't clean out your filters either. Not yet anyway...(unless you see lots of food being sucked up)
OOooppsy - yeah, I guess it would have been beneficial if I hadn't assumed you all knew off the tops of your heads that I'm cycling. lol sorry!!

Anyway - I take it that means then wuv that I shouldn't be doing any gravel vacuuming yet? Or should I?

Oh and about the food - I think I should have named my girls Hoovers 1 - 4 - not one piece of food gets by them, and my little Daisy must be part bottom feeder, cuz for hours after feeding time she scavenges around the floor of the tank finding any teeny crumbs that might have gotten past anyone. She's found pieces of peas that were the size of a pinhead.

They're all nuts.

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