Tank Re-designs

How often do you redesign your tank layout?

  • Never, I got it right the first time.

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  • 1 time a year.

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  • 2 times a year.

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  • 3 times a year.

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  • 4 or more times a year.

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Fish Addict
Mar 16, 2004
Reaction score
St. Paul Minnesota USA
Is it just me, or do others periodically re-aquascape their tanks?

Today, I changed the gravel and added a TON of new live plants and deep-sixed the fake plants. This is the 2nd major overhaul of this tank this year.

Am I an obsessive re-designer :hyper: , or do others do this too??

btw, I love the way it looks now, but in a couple months.... :shifty:
Most of my tanks I do every couple of years. But with a lot of them, I just add more stuff to them as the year goes on (pots, live plants, etc). I've done one major change on most of my tanks, after setting them up for the first time.
I just changed out my gravel and added some new plants to my 18 gallon last night. I also got rid of that horrid bubble wall :sick:
I've changed my tanks quite a few times since setting them up less than a year ago. Pretty soon after i get all the live plants in and everything settled in Probably every few years.
I seem to re-scape the tank when I upgrade the tanks and re-use the existing thank for another theme. So far, this seems to be happening more frequently than once per year... :D
Once a year or so, I'd say.

But I have many plants, and some of them don't like to be moved.
I'm still changing it, just trying to get that perfect look :D
I just need to move the bog wood to the right a bit, move the shell to the right corner, the other shell underneath the Java Moss and mabye buy some more Java Moss. That was ony the 10 gal tank :)
I move things about in the tanks everytime i add a new fish so that they all have to find a new hiding place together rather than the new fish finding everywhere it looks is already occupied, also it stops the other fish from attacking the new fish as they are too busy fighting it out to claim new territories.
i have 2 change it around at least twice a week. the fish eat the plants and there are all parts all over and hen some come out, and they move the rock structures because they all want to cram into the one under the heater, theyre very destructive little fishies so i ahve to redo it alot so that they wont kill them selves w/rocks etc.
Every time I have to catch some corys to put them in another tank, their caves get taken apart and laid flat on the gravel, so I can find them. Then the plants all get uprooted. :X

It never goes back together in exactly the same way. :kana:

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