Tank Questions


New Member
Apr 5, 2012
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Oregon, USA
Instead of waiting months to get my brand new 60 gallon, I got a used 55 gallon for now. It is sitting outside filled up to check for leaks. If my pictures work right, the first one shows the tank and the missing bar across the top in the middle. The second picture shows the oak top it came with. Not sure how this works. Are the lights supposed to sit on top of it like it shows in the third picture? I have one complete hood for one side if I go that way, or I have a mismatched light set (one is a double light fixture meant for reptiles) if they get put on top of the wood. How hot would it get? And the back of the oak top is open for filters. This is good since the filter I have is a large double filter. Hope I don't have any jumpers.

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I personally would not trust a tank that is missing the bar in the middle as this would compromise the tank's structural intergrity and it could burst without warning. Lights do not sit on top of the wood. They can either sit on glass tops or on legs that sit on the aquarium sides but in both cases the light must shine on the water without obstruction. Fish tanks get their heat from an aquarium heater. :)
I can rebuild the middle bar. I guess I just don't understand how the oak top works then.
There is a back strip that lifts up for filters I assume and a large hinged lid in the front that lifts up as well. Looks nice on the tank, but if I can't use my lights with it, I will have to not use it.
I guess I don't fully understand euro bracing. So would my simple fix of attaching a metal bar across the tank where the original plastic bar work? If it is going to be that big of a hassle to fix it, I may not want this tank. I haven't paid my friend for it yet.
I would return it. I'm not sure a metal brace is as good as the brace that was an integral part of the tank's design.

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