Tank Questions


New Member
Feb 16, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
Hi I have just got my old tank back,
My tank is an Aq3 52 litre / 11 UK or 13 USA Gal tank.
15" Width, 15" Depth, 14" High.
It was a FW tank with a Male and Female Bristlenose Catfish. (Anceistrus SP3 I think.)
They were rehoused before I moved.

I've been thinking about a Nano Marine tank.
What would I need to change, get rid of, or keep?
Would I have to make any changes to the actual tank? (I'm not sure I'd be able to do that as it's glass.)

Maybe a FOWLR tank. Or maybe a FO tank. I'm not sure if it would be big enough for a Reef tank. (Even though I would love one even without the fish).
Maybe I should stay with FW. :S So many choices...(I'm trying to get as many opinions as I can before I dive in.)
FW would most likely be easer but Marine tanks are so nice and are more than worth the hard work that goes into them. :wub:

If My tank is to small for a nice Marine tank I may have to try to get a larger tank. Is their a good one with all the bits built in? (I'll start poking my BF. :sly: )
I have a number of books on marine tanks and Nano tanks. I've also been doing a lot of reading and have been reading through some of the Diary posts on here. There are some amazing looking tanks.

I will appreciate any and all the advice that you wonderful people have to give me.
And I look forward to getting my tank back up and running. :)
In my opinion, FW tanks rule. :nod: I dont keep marine, but i have seen lots of 10 gallon nano's.
Hi :hi:

A 13 gallon tank is fine to start a nano reef. There is nothing you have to do to modify the tank itself but you DO need some equipment. Check out the pinned resource center and read the nano section.

Filtration is basically live rock and powerheads. A heater. Lighting if you plan coral.

Fish only is safest and easiest but most get bored after a while and want corals. There is nothing more beautiful than a nano reef. It takes patience and preparation but the rewards are worth it.

Cool, Thank you.
I'm gonna have a look and plan a shopping trip. :hyper:
I live in Mitcham (South London, UK) and there is a nice looking Aquatics store in the Croydon shopping centre.
But I am kind of new to this area. Are there any other good stores near me?

I'm happy to do the hard work, I love the Nano Reefs they are so lovely :D
I have found a picture on the internet and this is the same tank as the one that I have.


Just inside the top of the tank is a 1cm lip, will this be a problem? Also should I get rid of the lid? The bulbs are getting hard to come by now. I think they are screw in bulbs. The light fittings are fixed into the lid.
Think I would get rid of the lid and put a clip on lamp - there are some good ones around for a tank that small - even metal halide

Seffie x

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